A talk about "Hippies"


Well-Known Member
Yippies are way worse than hippies.
Yippies THINK more than Hippies. A Yippie actually worked actively to change what was happening in the world around them.

One of my favorite Yippie quotes...

"A Yippie is a Hippie who's been beaten by the cops."


Well-Known Member

Is that what diesel is??!?!?!??!??!?!

That is an amazing thing to know. If I get a bus instead of a deville, I can not only carry many many people. I can get FREE FUEL from restaurants?!?!?! (Or at least really, really, really cheap)

Yes sir.... You have to clean it a bit..
Diesel fuel itself is oil... Fryer oil from KFC is not TOO different... Any diesel engine can be midified to burn WVO or "waste vegetable oil"...


Well-Known Member
Two of my idols are Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman... Their books are awesome...

I also look up to Albert Hoffman and John Lennon.. Their shit is the bomb.


Well-Known Member
Yes sir.... You have to clean it a bit..
Diesel fuel itself is oil... Fryer oil from KFC is not TOO different... Any diesel engine can be midified to burn WVO or "waste vegetable oil"...
That's awesome. And yeah that's what I was talking about the WVO engines. Like on the show Weeds. That family with the crazy little girl looking boy. They just had to get gallons of vegetable oil that restaurants had already used.


Well-Known Member
Stoners and hippies are two different creatures.
Agreed. But these 2 things branch out into even more diverse things. Another person commonly referred to as a hippy today, is environmentalist. Or Hybrid enthusiast. While there is still the stoner hippy, and acid hippies.

Then theres revolutionaries, and all kinds of other stuff. I'd rather just call the followers hippies, and the real leaders and thinkers "Real".


Well-Known Member
Hey, Finshaggy, I actually own a didgeridoo... Wanna play? X3

In all seriousness I know people get het up with the misapplication of societal labels- not just because of an obsession with labels but the problem is being mistakenly associated with a group you feel no kinship to or with which you share your ideals. I hear you. My little brother has a habit of pointing at people an calling them a 'hippy' for some reason... It sounds awfully derogatory so I hope no one gets mad at the both of us for it 0_o;


Well-Known Member
I've never played one, lol. I've just heard them.

And yeah. The labels are not only HERE now, they are also all kinds of askew. Redneck and Hillbilly are almost considered interchangeable. A lot of people get "Gang related" and "associated with black people" confused. Even though the first big gangs were white and mexican. And Hippy and Environmentalist. Come one. People can't tell the difference between a San Fransisco type personality and a stoner or various other things? Why not?


Well-Known Member
i never think of people in those types of terms and i don't think i fit in a category myself. i did however meet a kind of hippie the other day and i am not sure if he was a hippie or a stoner but i would say he seemed to be one or the other. i don't really care, i am wrapped up in accomplishing my own goals, u can be whatever u want...

someone called me a housewife the other day in the grocery store and it pissed me off.


Well-Known Member
I own a digeridoo, live on 5 acres, grow hops and vegetables... sometimes I go to Grateful Dead shows.. But I am not a hippie...
My hair is long and I have a huge beard... But I am not a hippie...

*****I sense some sort of epic Maya Angelou-esque poem coming out of my braim...tentatively titled, "I am not a hippie", so I must end this now....

I have wayyyyy too much gardening to do to be writing my first poem tonight.


Well-Known Member
I try not to think in these terms either. But they are THRUST at me. So I feel the need to help people be derogatory CORRECTLY towards me, and others.

My main pint was just "I don't like being called a Hippy, but if you're going to call me a hippy. Don't assume I want a prius and hate you for drivin in your truck."


Well-Known Member
Hippies, laid back man, always chill, into saving the world and 90% you can tell by the way they dress and move, most sources of income are from crafts and growing vegetables and stuff for sale, don't pay tax and don't believe in birth control. When I figured the last point out I decided I wanted to be a cowboy and got on my horse and rode on. So now I'm a cowboy or redneck, much better than a Hippie, hippies don't scare me, and besides they don't like guns and that just would not work.



Well-Known Member
That's not true. Haight/Ashbury was a VERY strapped up place for it's time.
Carrying a gun may have been considered "not groovy" but many people of the time and culture were even FORCED to arm up due to the shitty situations they were all living in, and the people who think it's EASY, and OK to manipulate people who are tripping.
Guns do kill, and are bad. Like I will never carry one, because I NEVER want to be in a situation where I have to say "What do we do with the body??" EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER. And I didn't copy and paste that. For real, that is one situation I will avoid forever. And if I had a gun, I trust that I would no doubt be able to pull the trigger if I ever needed to. And I don't want that. I'd rather have an unconscious bloody guy thanks to my weaponless rage, than a dead guy and a smoking gun in my hand.
But Cowboy isn't real anymore. I mean I'm from Texas, and when I get older I will be wearing a Cowboy hat. But you gotta be a "real" cowboy, not just say you are. I'm not saying your not "real", I'm just saying MANY MANY people out there are just fascinated by the west, and dressing the part.
But, if you can't handle yourself when shit gets real. Like REAL REAL, then you aren't a cowboy. Your a lie, and a hat.


Well-Known Member
Kinda. I feel the same way, more Yippie/Merry Prankster at heart, and Cowboy in Swagger (Stoned ALL day, and from Texas) and in Twang. But Really...weird to say this...But I'm a pirate.
I know that sounds funny. But for real. When I was little I ALWAYS wanted to be a T-rex. And when I realized you couldn't do that, I decided I would be a pirate.

I smoke weed all day. I'm going to travel the world (I'm in the middle of an adventure. Ended up broke, but just gotta save up some money here for a while). I'm going to get a bus and travel with a group. Then get a boat and travel to other countries. But in the water I know I'm gonna have to be willing to do some shit. There isn't any laws out there, and I may have people with me I have to protect (Girls and guys from states I lived in during this travel have already said to hit them up when I have a boat). And I WILL NOT die. WILL NOT. I'm not saying it isn't possible. I'm saying, it isn't going to happen.

My home state needs me (America needs the help of the steps I have in place for my state), Marijuana needs me. I have to do this for my people, and my girl (MJ). The people of the world are in turmoil and even America's economy is gone in terms of positive and negative, not credit. The police are at an all time high in tyrannical activity, and treating citizens like a different class of citizen.

This shit IS NOT RIGHT. What the FUCK happened.


Well-Known Member
Do pirates live in Texas, I guess they do now, sounds like a great adventure, hope you get started, I'll just ride on, use to be right on.

you do have a parrot don't you, all real pirates have a parrot on their shoulder.


Well-Known Member
I've already started. I'm 3 states into this adventure. And Soon I'll have 2 countries, because next is New Mexico and then into Mexico. And I'm only counting from the day I left to meet people for this, not vacations and stuff when I was little.


Well-Known Member
Real pirates do not have parrots, some did, but there have been many many kinds of pets. I want a bear. You get them when they are twinkie sized and they grow up like a member of the family if treated properly.

I want an alligator too. They only cost 50 bucks, and they come like 6 inches long.