A Simple TDS/PPM Question??


Hi Folks,

Ok I need a small clarification cause I can't seem to relsolve this myself.

For arguements sake lets say I'm a couple of weeks into vegging and following the nute chart it states that I need to make a nute mix at some ppm value, lets say 500 for an easy number.

At the same time I want to suppliment the nute mix with say some molasses.

Do I:

a) Mix nutes to the 500 ppm value as perscribed by the nute maufacturer and than add the suplimentary item? Which of course will bring my ppm up to say 800.


b) Do I ensure that the 500 ppm value is not exceeded and includes not only the feed nutes but the supplimentary additive too?

Kinda walking in circles here and gettin dizzy, your advice is most appreciated,



Many thanks Skokie and yes thats why I said something like molasses as it was not adding to the NPK totals.

While I'm on about this subject I have another noobish nute question.

I have been told that the nute formulas and ppm's as set out by the manufacturer are based on a hydro set up.

Converting to a Pro-Mix grow do I feed at 1/2 or at a 1/4 of these nute formulas and equivelant ppm recommendations?

I have read some conflicting advise in this respect. So if my feed chart states 400ppm at x stage of growth do I, because of the Pro-Mix, nute at 200 ppm or 100 ppm?

Again apperciate the help folks!


Well-Known Member

I would mix and measure nutes to what I want and then add molasses. I usually start feeding at 300 ppm just to be on the safe side. Then I increase 50 ppm each feed untill 1000. If plants still look good (no burn) then I go to 1200 during flowering. With 2 weeks to go I use just plane pHed water. Good luck


Thanks Mustang 519! That makes a lot of sense (slaps forehead!)

Moving outdoor to my first indoor there is sooo much more to attend too, anyway this gives me what I need to get my feeding rates under control!
