A Sick Game


Well-Known Member

those that know me will say i am not as crazy as i sound ......but i am a sick twisted bastard who sees things differently then most

given that resources are limited just living cost money and with tech advancing as it is jobs are getting replaced software robotics

Now u gut a gun to side of your head and a person asking just one question to each person
Justify your existence....how do u answer

personally i do not care one way or other about my own life but that is a side effect of bad brain chemistry....80% of the time i most likely tell them to pull the fucking trigger and get it all over with 20% of the time i would come up with how i tend to help ppl with out thinking about self (another side effect) and the fact i a am happy drunk who make his own willing to share what i got with who ever including weed and food ....sorry the tea is mine make your own

so that is the Sick game .......Justify why u should exist or say what u want too before the bullet goes in the head

little dark little twisted no cock and balls humor but i still think it should fit into this section
have fun with it ppl


Well-Known Member
Me: you shoot me and the recipe and genetics are lost

@mr sunshine : how about I ass rape you??

Me: go ahead... This hallway is yours you pussy

Mr sunshine: I've tasted that donut but how about your mom?? How about I fuck her face while you and your dad watch?

Me: you ain't getting shit sunshine!!

Sunshine: you asked for it!!

After 15 mins of oral and anal rape, Mr sunshine stands and shakes his dick off..

Sunshine: don't make me do it... Pulling out my stash he had found in my keister..

Me: you wouldn't?

Standing over the blood and semen from the previous rape. He drops 2 roxy 30's.. Stomps them..

Me: just fucking do it then. I have nothing now!!!

Me: damn you


Well-Known Member

those that know me will say i am not as crazy as i sound ......but i am a sick twisted bastard who sees things differently then most

given that resources are limited just living cost money and with tech advancing as it is jobs are getting replaced software robotics

Now u gut a gun to side of your head and a person asking just one question to each person
Justify your existence....how do u answer

personally i do not care one way or other about my own life but that is a side effect of bad brain chemistry....80% of the time i most likely tell them to pull the fucking trigger and get it all over with 20% of the time i would come up with how i tend to help ppl with out thinking about self (another side effect) and the fact i a am happy drunk who make his own willing to share what i got with who ever including weed and food ....sorry the tea is mine make your own

so that is the Sick game .......Justify why u should exist or say what u want too before the bullet goes in the head

little dark little twisted no cock and balls humor but i still think it should fit into this section
have fun with it ppl
I would say there are a lot of people depending on me for their proper exercise this week. I'd buy it.


Well-Known Member
Me: you shoot me and the recipe and genetics are lost

@mr sunshine : how about I ass rape you??

Me: go ahead... This hallway is yours you pussy

Mr sunshine: I've tasted that donut but how about your mom?? How about I fuck her face while you and your dad watch?

Me: you ain't getting shit sunshine!!

Sunshine: you asked for it!!

After 15 mins of oral and anal rape, Mr sunshine stands and shakes his dick off..

Sunshine: don't make me do it... Pulling out my stash he had found in my keister..

Me: you wouldn't?

Standing over the blood and semen from the previous rape. He drops 2 roxy 30's.. Stomps them..

Me: just fucking do it then. I have nothing now!!!

Me: damn you
Somehow you guys always amaze me with the thoughts that roll through your noggins


Well-Known Member
To answer the question tho I would say "if I didn't bang your mom daily she would be a total bitch" I'm guessing this would lead to a wig splitting tho, but you can't win em all


Well-Known Member
mr sunshine gets his head blown off

tylder tries to blow back with ass fart then head blown off

Metasynth....just wants to end it all like me

downtowntillmen....head blown off

Zarabeth420......might live if the guy is prev and she is in her work out clothes

doublejj .....bullet in the head

bublonichronic........bullet in the head too

looks like we are all dying here except zara thanks to female charms

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
@justugh did you read the "execute it perfectly " part? If my calculations are right I should be able to take out 3 guys without two of them knowing . I'm not a badass, unless I have to be.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
@justugh did you read the "execute it perfectly " part? If my calculations are right I should be able to take out 3 guys without two of them knowing . I'm not a badass, unless I have to be.:blsmoke:
u got one problem ........the person with the gun
has no compassion no empathy .....pulling the trigger is the same as watching u walk out the door

there is no escape........no tricks no way out of it
(unless your body was a organic explosive and u were willing to blow your self )

honestly the way i see it is in a old iron works up top the person ........u walks over a walkaway they stop in the middle where the railing is missing ......person is butt ass naked
guy asking the ? is on another walkway 5/6 feet away from u(sawed off shot gun or a 45 hand gun) ....below u is a giant fire pit (turned off filled half way dead naked bodies) fire gets turned on when the pit is full

no way to do anything but answer the ? or say what u want before u die ....u can stop by blowing self up but i do not know of any chemical that can actually do that make your cells release all the stored energy at once (as the body is a bio engine it is possible to do it just need to find the right cocktail of chemicals to cause it )

even if u bust out the mad ninja warrior skills your not leaving the place alive ......the fall is to much if u did jump it would break a leg at least .....jumping over the 5/6 feet to take out the leader is possible but will take 3/4 secs so chance of getting shot in the air is highly possible .....if one of the ppl have a full auto it is spray and prey time .....sorry man no way out your in a kill box

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
u got one problem ........the person with the gun
has no compassion no empathy .....pulling the trigger is the same as watching u walk out the door

there is no escape........no tricks no way out of it
(unless your body was a organic explosive and u were willing to blow your self )

honestly the way i see it is in a old iron works up top the person ........u walks over a walkaway they stop in the middle where the railing is missing ......person is butt ass naked
guy asking the ? is on another walkway 5/6 feet away from u(sawed off shot gun or a 45 hand gun) ....below u is a giant fire pit (turned off filled half way dead naked bodies) fire gets turned on when the pit is full

no way to do anything but answer the ? or say what u want before u die ....u can stop by blowing self up but i do not know of any chemical that can actually do that make your cells release all the stored energy at once (as the body is a bio engine it is possible to do it just need to find the right cocktail of chemicals to cause it )

even if u bust out the mad ninja warrior skills your not leaving the place alive
......the fall is to much if u did jump it would break a leg at least .....jumping over the 5/6 feet to take out the leader is possible but will take 3/4 secs so chance of getting shot in the air is highly possible .....if one of the ppl have a full auto it is spray and prey time .....sorry man no way out your in a kill box
Then we all die. I was thinking I'd lunge at the one with the shotgun. Hopefully catch him but surprise , if not its alright. I already expected to take a couple. Bottom line is whether im shot or not when I get to the first dude I got a new weapon and a shield. I'm surgical with a shotgun.


Well-Known Member
Then we all die. I was thinking I'd lunge at the one with the shotgun. Hopefully catch him but surprise , if not its alright. I already expected to take a couple. Bottom line is whether im shot or not when I get to the first dude I got a new weapon and a shield. I'm surgical with a shotgun.
no the ones that can justify why they should live walk away
i was hoping for some more responses before i typed this part out but it is a social experiment ( love u stoners for these i always get results i never expected )

i never said the reasons to live had to be logical or anything ......only zara attempted to save her life
everyone else choice was death ........mr sunshine alls u had to do was bullshit but by u taken action to fight back forfeited your choice end result is death of u and maybe a few of the ppl asking the ?

even after u know fighting has no real chance u picked death
the results of it all is a little scary in it self

only 1 person would live out of the 10 (did not count myself or ones that did not answer )

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
no the ones that can justify why they should live walk away
i was hoping for some more responses before i typed this part out but it is a social experiment ( love u stoners for these i always get results i never expected )

i never said the reasons to live had to be logical or anything ......only zara attempted to save her life
everyone else choice was death ........mr sunshine alls u had to do was bullshit but by u taken action to fight back forfeited your choice end result is death of u and maybe a few of the ppl asking the ?

even after u know fighting has no real chance u picked death
the results of it all is a little scary in it self

only 1 person would live out of the 10 (did not count myself or ones that did not answer )
all of the people asking the questions die.. The irony of the whole situation is that I actually answer the question, After I kill everyone. I'm assuming I end up bleeding out on the walk home. But I'm a very resilient individual so I wouldn't be surprised if I don't. I'm allergic to death


Well-Known Member
mr sunshine gets his head blown off

tylder tries to blow back with ass fart then head blown off

Metasynth....just wants to end it all like me

downtowntillmen....head blown off

Zarabeth420......might live if the guy is prev and she is in her work out clothes

doublejj .....bullet in the head

bublonichronic........bullet in the head too

looks like we are all dying here except zara thanks to female charms
we would die together......Game Over


Well-Known Member
all of the people asking the questions die.. The irony of the whole situation is that I actually answer the question, After I kill everyone. I'm assuming I end up bleeding out on the walk home. But I'm a very resilient individual so I wouldn't be surprised if I don't. I'm allergic to death
no the point was just to answer the ? nothing else
by u picking to fight ends in your death just as refusing too answer or cussing out the person until they pull the trigger ....it does not end the event someone else just replaces the dead person (your death does nothing to end it it keeps going )

how to explain it to u it was a simple logic test ......with zara being the only one to get it( out of all of us zara is the most well balanced mental person here )......this being shocking and scary

u picking to fight just shows aggression instead of just complying for the 5 mins it takes u rather fight back and die point lessly


Well-Known Member
mr sunshine gets his head blown off

tylder tries to blow back with ass fart then head blown off

Metasynth....just wants to end it all like me

downtowntillmen....head blown off

Zarabeth420......might live if the guy is prev and she is in her work out clothes

doublejj .....bullet in the head

bublonichronic........bullet in the head too

looks like we are all dying here except zara thanks to female charms
Wrong. I'm the one holding the gun...



Well-Known Member

those that know me will say i am not as crazy as i sound ......but i am a sick twisted bastard who sees things differently then most

given that resources are limited just living cost money and with tech advancing as it is jobs are getting replaced software robotics

Now u gut a gun to side of your head and a person asking just one question to each person
Justify your existence....how do u answer

personally i do not care one way or other about my own life but that is a side effect of bad brain chemistry....80% of the time i most likely tell them to pull the fucking trigger and get it all over with 20% of the time i would come up with how i tend to help ppl with out thinking about self (another side effect) and the fact i a am happy drunk who make his own willing to share what i got with who ever including weed and food ....sorry the tea is mine make your own

so that is the Sick game .......Justify why u should exist or say what u want too before the bullet goes in the head

little dark little twisted no cock and balls humor but i still think it should fit into this section
have fun with it ppl
I would do this and then accidentally shoot myself in the head. True story bruh.



Well-Known Member
It's been 26 years, haven't died once. I'm kinda starting to believe I cant.
on that thought then can not die i am 36
gun to my head several times heard bullets going passed me (not in the army or anything like that ) just normal life
the amount of drugs i can handle would kill normal ppl (how do i know someone took what i did on a daily base they were passed out for 36 hours u could not wake them) only 1 person has ever hung with me on a drinking night ( i am the guy by the keg at 6 am still drinking when everyone else is passed out ) unless it above 120 proof i drink it like water

5 different car wrecks 1 was me at 40 miles into a embankment head tho the windshield knocked out for 10 mins ...3 weeks of picking glass out of my head (buick century 1986 boat of a car love it... it started right back up )

3 raids they got me with 1 bowl and about 2 grams of weed (nothing else stuck) dozen of arrest but worst of it was 4months in local compared to what i really should get it is laughable i am one lucky ass amish fucker

i am the immortal amish fucker ....scary on so many lvls for others and myself


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt observe the gun and since it exists only in his reality i escape unharmed

call me Super Schrödinger man
only 50% of the time do u live as it is uncertain 1 u live 1 u die

and as the person holding the gun makes that choice for ya odds dead greater then 50%