A seedlings biggest demands ??????

The demands of a seedling??

  • Fuck loads of N yo!!

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I'm starting this thread as I am appalled by some well known member's responses to "how do my seedlings look" or "my seedlings aren't right, what's wrong" . . .

There's too much . . . ."They're fine" . . ." They'll get there"

BOLLOX . . . .look at half of them closely they're fucked!!!

I hope this casts some idea on how to handle THE most delicate time of our plant's lives . . . . . .

THINK ABOUT IT . . . . if they move (germinate) from sodden earth (pretty humid, I'd guess, lol) to anything under 80% RH . . . .what does one think will happen?? Same if they are bombarded with nutes . . . . .shit happens.

So come on . . . . let's COLLECTIVELY compile every single requirement for the 100% growth of a seedling . . . . . . .

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shit, how do I edit it???? lol . . .

On a spur . . . .. IF your room RH was 35% . . .. you'd leave your poor seedling alone???

EDIT: Sorry, "you'd leave your poor seedling the fuck alone?"

Though not the question I am asking . . . . .

What a seedling needs to be 100%, what does he/she need???

Not whether you interact with it or not, adjusting enviro n the likes is still leaving it alone, no????

Ahhhhhh . . . got it . . . .. you simply can NOT sing . . . .!!!!! lmao ;)

Where is the check box for leave it the fuck alone.

FUCK . . . . .am I the only one to breathe my Co2 onto my babies till I nearly pass out ????

uh huh . . . . . . thaz love!!!! :hump: & attention, as is singing!! lol

So a seedling's requirements , in your eyes, is only water; that's the only thing you attend to when you are starting new life, yes??? Just checking???

I bet it F in ain't ;)

Water once a week and leave the fuckers to grow.

So just to reiterate . . . .

This thread is designed to collaborate everyone's efforts in raising MJ from seed. Not the germination, the effort involved with getting 100% out of your seedling; getting those roots down, stopping the droop, the red trunk . . .. (it does not have to happen!)

List the four most important things to you when raising a daughter from the earth!!

Yeah u might as well bro!! . . . . . as some of us are growing illegaly or do NOT have the balls or either luxury to do it outside!!

You indoor lot couldn't grow a tomato plant without nutes lol

I gotta stop, shit is creasing me up thinking about it :D

COME ON NEWBIES . . . . . tell us what you do, exactly; what are your priorities for a seedling . . . . . ?

There could be improvements that will gain you untold worth in 7 to 12 weeks time :)

Chuck it in here . . . . we won't bite . . . .well, most of us won't!!!!
