a second opinion needed


Active Member
I've been trying my first run. I had three seedlings going for a bout a week, but then had to travel for four days. I had just got the pH under control, and had been seeing some ok growth. I soaked the soil and left for my trip... I came back to very wilted seedlings. Are these guys gone or is there any hope for them????

I figure they are gone... but I wanted a second opinion before I buried them started over...



Well-Known Member
One can only pray to the great Spirit's
they are pretty resilient plants give them some water and start praying


Well-Known Member
I figure they are gone... but I wanted a second opinion before I buried them started over...
You can rescue those with some tlc. Stake them up with some toothpicks, give them a gentle misting with some water and if possible keep them in a high humidity environment like under a propagator or simply tie some clear plastic bags over the top of them to give them a humid environment. Keep them in a warmish place.


Well-Known Member
I would personally start again if you got seeds on hand. There only young and fresh seedling will catch up to those in no time. Youve already stunted there growth which will casue these plants to be problematic and not grow and yeild to full potential.


Well-Known Member
Youve already stunted there growth which will casue these plants to be problematic and not grow and yeild to full potential.

They're little seedlings for goodness sake, they're not stunted and nor will they become problematic and produce a poor yield.

They just need nursng back to health and they should grow into strong little plants.


Well-Known Member
Why would you waste your time when new seedlings will catch these in no time.They are only a week and a bit old. Throw these in the bin and start again and get some healthy vibrant plants. One of them has there head in the dirt with no green. Geez don't bother. Its a 3 month plus investment, don't you want to know that you got full potential out of your grow then nursing these sick things back to life. This is not a set back its a wise decision.

In my current grow, I have 6 plants, 1 of them stretched. Due to the weight on top it forced the stem to bend at the bottom. It wasn't even sick the way these look. I nursed it back to health and is now the runt of the group with less height and bulk compared to the others. I figured it was stressed at such an early age causing this to be the runt. This is the basis im working off.

Moon Shadow

Well-Known Member
I agree with baby gro

I have heard stories that sometimes a little stress helps in the long run.

Kind of like weight lifting stress them a little then they grow


Well-Known Member
keep those. nurse them back to health.
start some more, if you have seeds.
see which ones are better if either.


Active Member
thanks for the thoughts all. I do have some more seeds, but not a ton. So I'll give it a go at trying to keep them going. I figured that my two 20 w floros wasn't going to cut it so I turned on my 250 W MH. It got kind of hot, but now I've got the temp dialed in around 80. I did this before I read the tlc posts... I'll try the bags with high humidity...

Thanks again for the options.. I'll let ya know how things go in a couple of days.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
You might be able to get them back but Im with the idea of just starting new seeds as you could germ and replants and be back to this size if 4 or 5 days versues a week or more trying to coax these back with a 50/50 chnace of loosing them.If you got seeds start 3 new ones


Active Member
Ok so they bit it... and I germinated three new seeds.. Two of them made it out of the soil. So these two then got 24/7 MH light and have been getting co2 for the past four days. I was super stoked with how they took off. Then I got this.... see the pics...

I figure it's because of a lack of nutrients or that I need to transplant into there final pot. I am planning on putting them in a 6 gal pot and giving them some fox river Big Bloom.

Any other thoughts on what could be causing this??? The FAQ on plant abuse seems to say it's a Zn issue. But, I what do the pros think???



Well-Known Member
I do not call myself a pro but i do know for sure you want to shield the roots from any light and i can see them. and the issue your having could your light be too close?