a room without ventilation? question.

i have to move the grow room to a room with no sources of ventilation. A pantry! I dont have an AC area to put it. and the fans will only blow air inside. Ill be using an HPS system. ANYONE GOT ANY IDEAS?


Active Member
kinda in the same boat...i just started flowering (tonight is the 4th night) and I am just putting my plant in a grow tent for 12 and then taking it out and putting it under the T5 along with my other seedlings that are in veg. I have a fan in the tent and a CO2 bag, but no venting. I have another week before I can start my babies on the 12/12 too...then they will all be insync in the main grow room. Sorry to jack yr thread...anyone know if the 1 plant will be ok in there for 12 hours w/fan & Co2 bag w/no vent?
my temp will get up to 95 degrees with no ventilation. I want fresh air. argh. Does anyone know if Co2 will change temp? Or a fan filter with running water in it?

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
Guys....there is a way to get some fresh air in your space. You just haven't discovered it yet. Spend your energy getting real fresh air in there, not figuring out how to do without it.
You can grow good plants in a pantry like that, but you need ventilation. If you are using a HPS SOdium light, how many watts? A small 400W will not put off enough heet unvented to hurt any plants as long as you have a supply of fresh air to the room and an exhaust. This is important. The plants need fresh air to absorbe CO2. And you need exhaust to expell the moisture from the plants transpiring, and the co2 depleted air. Hope I can help. If necesarry cut a hole in the ceiling to the attic if applicable or use air from another room.