A record 6.6 million people file for unemployment benefits

Well if that's true time to move deep off grid with the best bunch of friends you know you can trust. No room for the supper ego or personally disorders.
Move "off" the grid? Where we are going, there will be no grid. ;)

Seriously, nobody alive really remembers the depression. They were babies or children then, and are pushing 100 today. Our modern economy has never been through anything like this.

Every trader, every economist, every "business" person, has only known a growing market and economy. Their entire life and careers have been a learning experience that no longer will apply.

What they know in their bones means nothing. Staying in the market is their mantra. Don't sell into a downturn. Stay in the market. No matter what, wait for the recovery. It's worked for 50 years.

If you did that in 1929, by 1931 you would have lost 95% of your wealth and the market wouldn't start to grow again until 40 years later. It was an entire era of no growth in the markets.

If this goes really south - like it appears it will - there won't be a grid. There won't be any banks to come after you for debt. There won't be anyone looking to buy your house. no police to serve a warrant and no courts to try you.

Might as well stay where you are and yell at the clouds. That's assuming you have something to eat of course. As in the depression, life will be cheap, morals loose, and real things will have far more value than anything virtual.

Buckle up frances, shit is gonna get interesting.
Off grid means no grid, no banks, no stores, it means depending on one anouther to survive and no one survives alone. But if your partners understand what is needed you can survive, you may need to relocate, have tools that were used by our great grandparents. But you know all that anyway.

It's only a thought... With all those new unemployed persons now captive at home wouldn't it be a perfect opportunity for die-hard cannabis "advocates" and "activists" to get their voices heard on a widespread scale at last?

Any time is a perfect time to lobby politicians to eliminate laws that were written out of prejudice. Slowly they have stolen much of our "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" or what we call part of our "unalienable rights" which the Declaration says have been given to all humans by their creator, and which governments are created to protect. They say no Creator can exist, they see the government as an entity unto itself or that they are God, or Lawyers know better than their children.
But they have created such panic no one can hear any thing but OMG we are going to die. Fear is the new tool to control us. When we refuse fear we win. Liberty or Death says it all.
...they have stolen much of our "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" or what we call part of our "unalienable rights"...

Which reminds me of a "Free the Beer" case gone utterly wrong just a few years ago, e.g. contrary to what can be expected of our canuck 1867 confederation...
Any time is a perfect time to lobby politicians to eliminate laws that were written out of prejudice. Slowly they have stolen much of our "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" or what we call part of our "unalienable rights" which the Declaration says have been given to all humans by their creator, and which governments are created to protect. They say no Creator can exist, they see the government as an entity unto itself or that they are God, or Lawyers know better than their children.
But they have created such panic no one can hear any thing but OMG we are going to die. Fear is the new tool to control us. When we refuse fear we win. Liberty or Death says it all.

It’s so ironic...the non-authority UN pushes this “right to freedom from fear” crap all over everyone. Then the tool that is most used to further control...fear.

No worries, Canadians didn’t get their Rights from Justin’s daddy like they teach in school. And he is well aware of that fact.