Ursus marijanus
Yeah, I agree
There is no way that the massive producers can put the care, and effort into creating the dankest of the dank for 100$/lb. Production would just be too quick and large for, I'd venture to say, even 1/10th of the flowers to ever be touched or monitored for bugs, pm, etc. Cannabineer makes a good argument for my point with just the trimming aspect of harvest. Much like liquor example you mentioned, weed will come in varying degrees of quality, flavor, smell, potency, color, etc. I even think that weed might follow in the footsteps of microbreweries, where in this instance, the weed produced at smaller scales is a homemade bred strain which individuals seek out for its unique characteristics. Much like how I like to seek me out some good beer.
I'm thinking exactly the same. Initially I see the mkt being taken over by the dead-cheap ADM-style weed Desert Dude is envisioning. But (so long as the trend to monopoly is resisted by the regulators) the well-grown, lovingly-prepared connoisseur weed with its grand cru price tags will always always have a market. Alcohol and tobacco show the same very broad spectrum of price and quality.
What I would want to do is find the finest terroirs NOW and buy the land. In fifty years my heirs could be selling the weedy equivalent of La Tâche or Penfolds Grange. cn