A rapist, a neo-nazi, and a sock puppet walk into a bar...

You don't live in fear because your absolutely dillusional lol

I don't know how many times I have to repeat myself but I'll do it one more time for good measure...

Russia has moved its Thermonuclear capable missile's to several locations which are in range of EU and US countries and states.

Russia held a Thermonuclear war drill last week that include 40,000,000 CIVILIANS!!!

Putin has stated that if hilary is elected it will lead to a thermonuclear war...

In Hilary's leaked emails she states she states she wants to put a ring of missiles around china (Russia is one of China's closest allies) ...

You need mental help if you can't understand that we are even closer to thermonuclear war than we were in the cold war!

Its just fast typing and a crappy keyboard app lol

Your trying to point holes my spelling to take the attention offbthe facts but it won't work :)

You do realize that when Hilary is indicted she will leave a paper trail leading directly to you :)

But I guess you will love prison :D

Obviously not...

Its obvious that your the one with multiple accounts its all you ever rant about other people doing lol

Your one of the worst trolls I've ever seen...

I'm apparently everyone but no one.

a shadow in the light.

You have fun trolling whilst trump is busy winning more voters lol

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What is the Hatch Act -- and did James Comey break it?

By Steve Vladeck, CNN
Updated 8:31 AM ET, Mon October 31, 2016




Comey: Meet the NEW Ken Starr! Now with panty sniffing & payoff collecting action features!


So, which do you think happened: RepubliComey took a wad of cash from Drumpf, or some violent threats were made? Maybe both?

Days before the election this (non) news drops out of the sky? Riiiiggghhhhttttttttt......

Either way, this won't break Hil's stride. Let the wingnuts and republicucks have fun with the speculation, lol, meanwhile it's a heap of benign nothingness.

What is the Hatch Act -- and did James Comey break it?

By Steve Vladeck, CNN
Updated 8:31 AM ET, Mon October 31, 2016




Comey: Meet the NEW Ken Starr! Now with panty sniffing & payoff collecting action features!


So, which do you think happened: RepubliComey took a wad of cash from Drumpf, or some violent threats were made? Maybe both?

Days before the election this (non) news drops out of the sky? Riiiiggghhhhttttttttt......

Either way, this won't break Hil's stride. Let the wingnuts and republicucks have fun with the speculation, lol, meanwhile it's a heap of benign nothingness.
I think Comey did Clinton a favor by bringing up that email shit again. It's a dead horse that only the Trump fools are trying to resurrect to shift attention away from their douchebag, tax evading serial groping twat of a candidate. Benghazi apparently wasn't enough of a bitch hunt, so out of desperation all they want now is to hear that Weiner's wife used Clinton's server to send her husband a food shopping list. That will be enough for them to continue to scream lock her up. As Bernie said, the American people are sick of hearing about it, except for the assholes that support Trump, but that ain't enough now to swing the election. Comey just set himself up for possible prosecution and destroyed his career, that's all this "new" revelation will accomplish.

"Hey hon, I'm stopping at Katz's for some hard rolls and chicken soup. Do you need anything from that Rite Aid down the block?" (Weiner 11/14)

"That Hil, what a BORE! She should smoke more weed like Bill, amirite?" (Abedin 5/13)

"Whoa, that's your COCK?! GTFO, OMFG!!" (undisclosed fourth party)


I hope it's Harrekin.

"Hey hon, I'm stopping at Katz's for some hard rolls and chicken soup. Do you need anything from that Rite Aid down the block?" (Weiner 11/14)

"That Hil, what a BORE! She should smoke more weed like Bill, amirite?" (Abedin 5/13)

"Whoa, that's your COCK?! GTFO, OMFG!!" (undisclosed fourth party)


A member from Ireland who cracked me up. He liked to get under UB's skin.
That kid was a dumb little racist retard who I drove to complete meltdown repeatedly.

Remember how I told you during a round of golf that I was gonna stop giving him a pass?

He disintegrated a week later. Was never the same again.

Huh. Have a look at Jeff Session's record. Who do you think continually attempts to pass racist legislation? Republicans. Why? To better exploit those who don't know their rights. One form of exploitation is the right's ongoing attempts to deny acres to their rights to vote for poor, ethnic and convict members of society.

Democrats aren't responsible for the new Jim Crow, republicans are.
Huh. Have a look at Jeff Session's record. Who do you think continually attempts to pass racist legislation? Republicans. Why? To better exploit those who don't know their rights. One form of exploitation is the right's ongoing attempts to deny acres to their rights to vote for poor, ethnic and convict members of society.

Democrats aren't responsible for the new Jim Crow, republicans are.

(Psssstt....he doesn't have the intellectual capacity to comprehend a drop of this.)
Huh. Have a look at Jeff Session's record. Who do you think continually attempts to pass racist legislation? Republicans. Why? To better exploit those who don't know their rights. One form of exploitation is the right's ongoing attempts to deny acres to their rights to vote for poor, ethnic and convict members of society.

Democrats aren't responsible for the new Jim Crow, republicans are.

What ever the case may be it does not change the fact that Hilary should of been indicted in June for several prosecutable offences.

This will all be open to the public soon anyway so I don't even really need to try convince people to vote trump :)

I don't understand how you cant see how bad she is it really is astonishing!

Delusional... (That better bucky princess?) ;)
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Except for that tiny little fact, they had no case

James Comey's wife urged director to take powerful action
Published: 1 day ago

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Daily Mail, bestselling author Ed Klein reports some of Comey’s top deputies were in on the mutiny, according to a source close to the director.

Should President Trump try to prosecute Hillary? Sign the hottest petition in America now to show your support!

“The atmosphere at the FBI has been toxic ever since Jim announced last July that he wouldn’t recommend an indictment against Hillary,” said the source, who Klein says has known Comey for nearly 20 years and spends family outings together.

“Some people, including department heads, stopped talking to Jim, and even ignored his greetings when they passed him in the hall,” said the source. “They felt that he betrayed them and brought disgrace on the bureau by letting Hillary off with a slap on the wrist.”

The source says Comey agonized over the issue for months and even talked about it with his wife, Patrice.

image: http://mobile.wnd.com/files/2016/10/james-comey-wife-patrice-comey-cspan-600.jpg


James Comey, left, gets sworn in as FBI director as his wife Patrice, center, looks on

Comey told Patrice the stack of resignation letters from livid agents was making him depressed, as they reminded him that morale at the bureau had hit rock bottom.



“He’s been ignoring the resignation letters in the hope that he could find a way of remedying the situation,'” said the source, according to Klein.

Read Ed Klein’s bombshell new book on Hillary Clinton: “Guilty as Sin,” as he uncovers the real story behind Hillary’s email scandals and the dirty political games that have kept her one step ahead of the law, for now.

“When new emails that appeared to be related to Hillary’s personal email server turned up in a computer used by [her close aide] Huma Abedin and [Abedin’s disgraced husband,] Anthony Weiner, Comey jumped at the excuse to reopen the investigation.

“The people he trusts the most have been the angriest at him. And that includes his wife, Pat. She kept urging him to admit that he had been wrong when he refused to press charges against the former secretary of state.”

What do YOU think? Sound off on the FBI reopening Hillary email investigation in the WND poll

“He talks about the damage that he’s done to himself and the institution [of the FBI], and how he’s been shunned by the men and women who he admires and work for him. It’s taken a tremendous toll on him. It shattered his ego. He looks like he’s aged 10 years in the past four months.”

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Klein says Comey’s decision to reopen the case “was more than an effort to heal the wound he inflicted on the FBI.”

“He was also worried that after the presidential election, Republicans in Congress would mount a probe of how he had granted Hillary political favoritism,” Klein wrote.

image: http://mobile.wnd.com/files/2015/07/hillary-email.jpg


The new look at Hillary’s emails, coming just 11 days before Election Day, is said to have shocked U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch and prosecutors at the Justice Department.

“Jim told me that Lynch and Obama are furious with him,” the source said.

image: http://mobile.wnd.com/files/2016/10/toon161029a.jpg


Klein notes that President Obama indicated his choice of Comey as FBI director was “my worst mistake as president.”

“Lynch and Obama haven’t contacted Jim directly,” said the source, “but they’ve made it crystal clear through third parties that they disapprove of his effort to save face.”

Read more at http://mobile.wnd.com/2016/10/resignations-letters-piling-up-at-fbi/#3RsBsI0H6QqtedV5.99