A quick question about dry yields

I'm currently planning on growing 5 blue dream plants, and two great white shark plants. The website im buying from says yields are 400-500 grams per blue dream plant and 300-400 per great white shark. Im trying to figure out if those yield numbers are correct or not. Do they mean un dried bud or perheaps complete plant matter, or am I actually going to get 117 ounces of beautiful weed? My soil btw is a mixture of moss, sand, dead leaves, and some dirt, with some coffee grinds and bones thrown in.

P.S. I dont want a specific number, just a general ballpark because this will influence how much equipment I buy to process the bud
Never what they say I got blackjack autos they say 700-900gs per plant and 2 look like mabey 15-20gs each and the other mabey a few ozsWP_20160624_05_45_48_Pro.jpg WP_20160624_05_45_06_Pro.jpg both the same strain..5 weeks into flower 5 weeks left.
Everything is circumstantial. The blue dream with all optimum setting, can potentially yeild you 10lbs per plant. Im not saying it will....but it could if you set the stage. The weight description is just going to give you an idea. Example, if you started vegging your blue dream clone in january & put it in good soil in ground by june 1st topped, ect....& i went & bought my blue dream cutting june 10th & put it in sand & bones.....well i would not be surprised if you yeilded significantly more than me.....& you should have.
Everything is circumstantial. The blue dream with all optimum setting, can potentially yeild you 10lbs per plant. Im not saying it will....but it could if you set the stage. The weight description is just going to give you an idea. Example, if you started vegging your blue dream clone in january & put it in good soil in ground by june 1st topped, ect....& i went & bought my blue dream cutting june 10th & put it in sand & bones.....well i would not be surprised if you yeilded significantly more than me.....& you should have.
I havn't even bought the seeds yet. They're ordered but wont be here till mid July. Thats when I planned on putting them in soil. Is that too late? I don't have access to clones.
Basically here is what i'v deduced. Im going to feed the plants well and take good care of them. Once I get a good idea of how much il be yielding, il buy dry racks and mason jars and bodeva humidifiers, etc to process the weed.
Are you planting them outside? Then yes you are too late to buy and start reg seeds for this season. Maybe you can still do autos? They grow and finish quickly but yield suffers. Expect 1oz per plant probably on the autos
Are you planting them outside? Then yes you are too late to buy and start reg seeds for this season. Maybe you can still do autos? They grow and finish quickly but yield suffers. Expect 1oz per plant probably on the autos
So would you recommend growing maybe some auto flowering blue dreams? Im no connoisseur or anything, I just want some good medium quality weed to get high with. I only smoke maybe two or three times a week so if I grow five auto blue dreams and get an ounce a peace then that should last me until next season. I'v never smoked any auto flower weed so idk if its any good
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Way too late for seeds dude....seeds get germed/sprouted in march & put outside late may/june.....

If you sprouted now....you wouldnt even have 6 inch plants by mid july....& nothing to kick into mid august.... Best bet is find you a FAST growing sativa clone (or invest in a teen/potted plant) & throw it outside. Pump with a good synthetic nutrient such as max sea (or fuck it, see what miracle grow can do for you at this point) & hope for the best. As many as you can do at this point to make up for the lost time...
Screw the autoflower....unless your growing in a shitty state with a short season.if your in CA find you a nice cut of blue dream, green crack,sour d' white widow, ect....& do a few of them. If you invest & play your cards rite you could walk away with a couple elbows at the end of harvest.
Yeah to get those yields that is like perfect optimal conditions for most people full sun. Good feeding schedule, not too much stress. Huge hole in ground at least 20-30 gallons???? <<----not sure on how many gallons, just a random number. But you get the point?
NO! it is not too late to plant outside, you won't reach full potential but you will still get a satisfactory crop...I planted one plant this late once and still got 8oz from it...could have got more but it was planted in some tall veg to conceal.
Basically here is what i'v deduced. Im going to feed the plants well and take good care of them. Once I get a good idea of how much il be yielding, il buy dry racks and mason jars and bodeva humidifiers, etc to process the weed.
Your looking way to far ahead dude..get your seeds start growing them then by sept looking at them you will have a better idea what you need around when u harvest
Alright guys I think I'm gonna grow some of the fastest growing auto flowering seeds that aren't complete garbage. I really appreciate the help
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Not too late to plant regular seeds. I had just popped the first of the Sidetracked F1's this time last year. True your yield will not be great, but as a new grower, the OP should grow out a dozen or so bag seeds anyway. Then when he kills a couple from over watering, it won't hurt near as bad.
Not too late to plant regular seeds. I had just popped the first of the Sidetracked F1's this time last year. True your yield will not be great, but as a new grower, the OP should grow out a dozen or so bag seeds anyway. Then when he kills a couple from over watering, it won't hurt near as bad.
I did some research on not over watering. Basically just water it every time the top of the soil gets pretty dry right?