• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

a question to the older people..


Well-Known Member
NO, why do you ask ? This is a forum not a English class, if you are commenting on my grammar or spelling. I did not know that we were being graded on our spelling and grammar in our posts..lol. I never really liked English class in school. I guess you can tell.


Well-Known Member
NO, why do you ask ? This is a forum not a English class, if you are commenting on my grammar or spelling. I did not know that we were being graded on our spelling and grammar in our posts..lol. I never really liked English class in school. I guess you can tell.
Oh, I just figured that since you felt the need to point out here that you're a "collage" grad you'd see the humor of the rest of your post the same way I did. Yeah, I can tell, and no, no one's being graded on anything like that here, just judged. :shock: :lol: ;)


There's treachery afoot
I have been smoking for hmm, going on 27 years and have not suffered any, um..er...ah....what were we talking about again...
Just kidding but really have been hitting the ganja for nearly three decades, (sounds alot longer that 27 years eh?) and do not feel I have suffered any ill effects as a result. I attribute my occupational success to my dear friend Mary Jane. She has helped reduce my stress, kept my blood pressure in check and provided and escape from the occasional hell days I have. Friends tell me I am a hell cat without her, have a short temper and am considerably more confrontational. I think without her I am just a bitch. We are in it together for life. She needs me to perpetuate and continue her genetics, I need her to keep from killing my employees.


Well-Known Member
The only reason i wanted to point out that i got through college, was to make a point that just because someone smokes weed doesn't mean that they are a slacker. I do see where you are coming from though.


Well-Known Member
I actually I get more tenacious when reefer soaked... I always found that it was the perfect anti - asshole boss repellant. Like water off a ducks back.... plus the shit eating grin that follows always seemed to piss them off.......yay :o


Well-Known Member
The only reason i wanted to point out that i got through collage, was to make a point that just because someone smokes weed doesn't mean that they are a slacker. I do see where you are coming from though.

yep yep.... I'm almost done with college. and I will finish.


Well-Known Member
haahah that is sort of funny..... a stoner telling another stoner not to blaze LMAO :mrgreen:

Trust me dude, its a freaking fact... if you DIDNT smoke weed (not saying its bad) you would *probably be doing better then you are doing right now...

Or at the very least, you would have better memory.
if i did not smoke id be much more sick then i am and i probably wouldn't be walking properly if at all, marijuana is a blessing


Well-Known Member
The only reason i wanted to point out that i got through collage, was to make a point that just because someone smokes weed doesn't mean that they are a slacker. I do see where you are coming from though.
I'm just ribbin' ya. I know a chemistry professor who has spelling issues, but he's fucking BRILLIANT. I don't know if he smokes, though...


Well-Known Member
The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch! at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in what oredr the ! ltteers in a word are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is that the first and last ltteer be in the rgh it pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe.


Well-Known Member
What you're referring to is also based in part on the human brain's "desire" to seek and see pattern, everywhere. Something that computers can NOT do, and is one of the reasons why artificial intelligence has been so incredibly difficult to reproduce. :)


Active Member
Why don't you ask to be put on an anti-depressant?

eg. zoloft, prosac, etc..

Cause i know those drugs trigger the "happy" feeling your brain is not producing from lack weed you were talking about.

That is weird that your not feeling a difference...

I took one X pill and i was the happyest i have been for 48hrs.

And the pills that i mentioned work almost the same way that X works.. (i think)
if there is one thing you keep clear of is pharmaceutical mood changing drugs, i know and have had to live with people who've been on anti-depressants and such and it fucks your life up big time, stick the good ol natural green stuff cant go wrong :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I have been puffing the good herb for nigh on 25 years, sonny, and my mind is the sharpest that I know.

(My websites are ranked in the top ten for more searches than I can count or list
Website Statistics in South Africa by POSEIDONS.NET)

I hold degrees with distinctions in Psych, Phil, and Ling, I achieved the highest mark in Psych honours in the dept : 95%.

Short term memory problems only happen to beginners : MJ will not allow one to think about boring stuff; one loses concentration easily; but if it is interestesting stuff, then I can conentrate for 10 hours without a break. Puffing along merrily.

One has to be able to hop between the rational and the creative mind with mental agility. Like most things in life, if you are inexperienced, its not really going to work for you.


Well-Known Member
I know a lot of sucessful people who have regularly smoked cannabis for 40+ years. If not for security reasons I could give names, but they might not want the world to know. Many of these are in the arts, but by no means all. There a LOT of functional potheads out there..


Well-Known Member
I have smoked off and on for 20 years, off when I had too, and on when I could. I cant say that I can really notice any affect at all. I am currently in the on cycle, but may have to stop again for awhile, I hate my job and its time to look for something else. If I have to stop, then so be it as long as I get out of where I am at now.


Active Member
I have been puffing the good herb for nigh on 25 years, sonny, and my mind is the sharpest that I know.

(My websites are ranked in the top ten for more searches than I can count or list
Website Statistics in South Africa by POSEIDONS.NET)

I hold degrees with distinctions in Psych, Phil, and Ling, I achieved the highest mark in Psych honours in the dept : 95%.

Short term memory problems only happen to beginners : MJ will not allow one to think about boring stuff; one loses concentration easily; but if it is interestesting stuff, then I can conentrate for 10 hours without a break. Puffing along merrily.

One has to be able to hop between the rational and the creative mind with mental agility. Like most things in life, if you are inexperienced, its not really going to work for you.
You are a very intelligent person and i would like to thank you for summing up the entire usage of the beautiful smoke :peace: i wish everyone out there in this massive existence could understand just these simple ways of life, so many people cast such a terrible judgement on others because of such practices :evil: which to me is one of the best things to enjoy that is still natural on the planet :mrgreen: again i couldn't of said it better and i thank you very much for making it a lot simpler for me to explain why i and so many others like to sit back and have a smoke that releases the mind from the everyday repetition that society has locked us into :joint:

your words of wisdom shall travel far :clap:


Besides smoke I've got to say acid was a blessing. It was 1967 when I did my 1st hit. THe shit then was 500mic's per hit and most tabs or windowpanes were 4 hit. I got it on acid..I saw shit you couldn't even imagine ie: snowing up, telephone poles bending.. It also gave me a sense of humour that to this day serves me well.. It opened my mind, wait actually it ripped open my mind to the area beyond my eyelids..and for that I thank the timothy Learys & abby Hoffmans (remember steal this book) of the world. For their insite which they readily shared :)
I agree lsd helped me look at things in a different light.
weed has only helped me in the 16 years i've smoked it. it actually has the opposite effect on me i dont get tired but i get more energy. not energy like caffene boost but when i dont want to do something but have to i blaze up and its like I'm beating the system i dont mind doing work i actually enjoy doing work when i'm stoned.
another good thingweed has done for me is help me quit smoking ciggerettes.
i quit cold turkey one day and insted of lighting up a butt i'd light up a joint it's been 3 years now since i quit ciggerettes and i dont have any urges.
1-2 joints a day beats fuckin 20 ciggerettes/dayso yeah weed has had long term effects on me good ones


Well-Known Member
I agree lsd helped me look at things in a different light.
weed has only helped me in the 16 years i've smoked it. it actually has the opposite effect on me i dont get tired but i get more energy. not energy like caffene boost but when i dont want to do something but have to i blaze up and its like I'm beating the system i dont mind doing work i actually enjoy doing work when i'm stoned.
another good thingweed has done for me is help me quit smoking ciggerettes.
i quit cold turkey one day and insted of lighting up a butt i'd light up a joint it's been 3 years now since i quit ciggerettes and i dont have any urges.
1-2 joints a day beats fuckin 20 ciggerettes/dayso yeah weed has had long term effects on me good ones
thats great tht it helped you get off cigarettes


Active Member
I have been smoking for about 8yrs (not long at all) and i can say without a doubt that it REALLY effected my life...

It just made me so fucking lazy..... it made me forget all of my goals in life.

But when i hit rock bottlom, i will see the light again
You sound like a "plant" dude. Made you forget all your goals in life? Right...


Well-Known Member
No real noticable effect except little memory glitches now and again. After 37 years not bad only bud and hash. Still kickin and smokin. Usually only smoke in the evenings and weekends.