A question of ethics...


Well-Known Member
A question of ethics...

Lets say you live out in the country (US) in the middle of nowhere. You find a plant on your property that someone has obviously tried to hide, but has made a piss poor attempt. Also the plant has been poorly cared for and you know you can save it. Do you take the plant, or do you leave it there because it is "wrong" to steal a plant?

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
If it's going to die, you're not a thief. I'd only call you a thief if you stole a plant from a situation that was obviously under control.


New Member
If it's on your turf, then it's yours no matter what. I wouldn't care if it was healthy or not. Whoever planted it is dumb for planting it on someone else's property. They had it comin'.


Well-Known Member
mover her, leave a note, save her.

But leave a nice note, give the poor guy some tips on growing and hiding, tell him to go back there in a couple months and there'll be a sample of the finished product. it blows that you're gonna steal someone's plant, but they'll learn their lesson.

*waits for tomorrow's "someone stole my plant" thread*


Well-Known Member
mover her, leave a note, save her.

But leave a nice note, give the poor guy some tips on growing and hiding, tell him to go back there in a couple months and there'll be a sample of the finished product. it blows that you're gonna steal someone's plant, but they'll learn their lesson.

*waits for tomorrow's "someone stole my plant" thread*[
That would be funny.


Well-Known Member
Actually this already happened a little while ago, lol. I am very surprised at the reactions though, I thought for sure someone would tell me it was "wrong".

It wasn't actually planted in the ground it was in a large non-drained bucket in dirt under a pine tree.

I laughed like hell at you guys telling me to leave a note, I really wish I would have thought of it at the time...


Well-Known Member
If this guy hid it that badly, someone else could have found it. What if the guy whose property it is got in trouble for a plant that wasn't even his, because some asshole did a piss poor job of hiding it? That would be some bullshit.

I say it yours, take it.


If this guy hid it that badly, someone else could have found it. What if the guy whose property it is got in trouble for a plant that wasn't even his, because some asshole did a piss poor job of hiding it? That would be some bullshit.

I say it yours, take it.

exactly... its his plant as far as johhny law would be concerned, so might as well take care of it right??