A question about darkness


Active Member
I have an odd question, being first time grower when your plant goes into flowering how long can you leave the plant in total darkness before it needs much needed light?


Well-Known Member
12 hours on-12 hours off...while flowering it is very important for the plant to have complete darkness..or it can turn ur ladies into hermies..


Well-Known Member
is this a question of how long can they go without light or how much time is needed to start the flowering process? well if it is how much darkness is needed that all depends on the strain. As to how long they can go in complete darkness without light i would not know. 12/12 is so common because not many plants will flower with more than 12 hrs of light some will with less but this takes out the guess work.


Active Member
You need minimum 12 hours for your plant to be in a state of flowering.

Some people have experimented with a 14 hour period of darkness which took off a couple weeks from the flowering period but decreased yeilds (severly).

There is a study that suggests starting a flowering state by leaving a plant in darkness for a period of 36 hours.

The answer:

You need to experiment! All plants are different and all strains will react differently to different variables.

Start with 12/12 for flowering. when you have a chance grab a plant out of your rotation and do some light experimentation.