a question about canna coco A+B

Green Troll

Active Member
i dont know why you would want to though. you can either use soil, or use coco (acts as a hydroponic medium) but why both?

^^^messed up, ignore this post


Also will it make any diffrence if I had coco soil.. Would they grow and feed better because its desighned for coco soil??

Green Troll

Active Member
nm i misread the topic lol i thought you wanted to mix canna coco with soil, not use the nutes with soil.

soil doesnt need nutes. it contains its own. you CAN use it but use a largely diluted solution of it. the EC values given on the bottle to be used are for coco, which is sterile. if you use the full strength in soil, you will risk burning your plants.


nm i misread the topic lol i thought you wanted to mix canna coco with soil, not use the nutes with soil.

soil doesnt need nutes. it contains its own. you CAN use it but use a largely diluted solution of it. the EC values given on the bottle to be used are for coco, which is sterile. if you use the full strength in soil, you will risk burning your plants.
Haha sounds like some1s reading while high as a kite hahaa, and cool man thanks for the advice.. Is that the only reason the nutes are designed for coco because coco does not already contain nutes???


Well-Known Member
How's it going with that.. A couple of guys at the shop looked at me like I was from a diffrent planet when I said I had A+B for soil
Have noticed a decrease in yield using the coco A+B in soil (am pulling 1.75-2.25oz per plant 12/12FS atm, also using PK13/14 )but the plants are still lovely green and healthy, only used it as im up to me eyeballs in debt n it was sitting there lol, before that i used a varying mixture of both cheap and expensive tomato nutes (getting 2.0-2.75 oz per plant 12/12FS, no difference between cheap n expensive also using PK13/14 btw lol) because i was bored and just fancied experimenting and before that i was using Bio-bizz veg and bloom nutes with no PK13/14 but used molasses insteadand was vegging until 12" before flipping as opposed to 12/12Fs, an was averaging 2.25-3.0 oz per plant then.

So to sum up it seems you are better off going 12/12FS with tomato nutes than anything else so far lol.

So why do YOU want to use the coco A+B in soil? Just got it laying around and want to make use of it or cant afford soil nutes?


Sounds good :) , and yes the soil was at the house I set the tent up in and so was the big tubs of nutes, I can easily go and buy some bags of coco I was just wondering on peoples experiences so for with A+B with soil, but for a couple of £ I might aswel buy some coco :D


Well-Known Member
Sounds good :) , and yes the soil was at the house I set the tent up in and so was the big tubs of nutes, I can easily go and buy some bags of coco I was just wondering on peoples experiences so for with A+B with soil, but for a couple of £ I might aswel buy some coco :D
If its your first grow I would recommend either:

A)Buy some Coco and match that up to the nutes you already have, this will require lots of watering(daily sometimes, sometimes twice daily) and can be finicky for a first grow

B) Use the soil and the Coco nutes and see how it goes( providing you follow the canna feed schedule you will be fine, its only when you experiment do things go wrong) this will prob require watering once every 2-3days providing your grow area is not like an oven

or C) I can tell you about a soil you can buy from Wilkinson`s/Asda that you just literally put the plants in and water them and watch them grown and produce lovely bud lol, wont kick out massive yields but im averaging 1.75-2.75 oz a plant 12/12 from seed doing it this way and I have done a whole grow with it with just giving them water in this soil and i still averaged 2oz a plant. Nice and simple literally just water every 2-3 days


New Member
So when you say you average that a plant is tang just grow it plain and simple? Don’t u use last or super crop methods? Topping ect?