A pound of schwag for 500, good deal?

Mr. Buddy

I got this buddy of mine who I get weed from is selling some decent schwag for 500$. That's like less then 80 cents a gram. I figure I could break it apart into dimes and 20's and see a decent profit. What you think deal or no deal?


Well-Known Member
hmmm, well, a pound is 16 ounces, each oz has 8 eighths in it, so times that by ounces and you get 128 eighths. sell for super cheap at 15 and youll make 1920 total, 20 a bag its 2560, 25 a bag its 3200. Just dont get yourself caught and you'll do great.

Mr. Buddy

I went ahead and bought that shit. Worst case scenario is I make double my money back. The way I see it, it's weed so someones gonna want it. An eighth for 25$ is cheap. Plus seems like I'll make more money that way. Once the word is out, I should be in business.


Well-Known Member
Let us see a pic of how it looks lol.

Is it that dirty brown shit?

Did you smoke any?


Well-Known Member
If you went and sold by the oz instead of by 1/8s for 100 bucks a pop(which would be gone in a day or 2 in my area, everyone gauges the fuck out their prices.) you'd make $1600. That would make less profit but be less risky than having a bunch of eigths and selling em 1 by 1. I'd still go and sell by the eights I think, 15 a pop since they will sell faster that way.(I started this reply before your last post)

Mr. Buddy

Yeah I smoked a couple bowls and got me a nice high. I'm used to KB so that makes it seem like it's decent. I have a little bit of tolerance. It's not brown border brick shit, but more greeny. I'll post a pic tomorrow sometime so you can take a look. I'm wondering why he sold me that shit so cheap though.


Well-Known Member
Cmon post it i gotta go to work lol only got an hour on the comp inbetween jobs. Sounds like an awesome deal though i'd def take it in a heartbeat here even if it is shitty weed.


Well-Known Member
that look alright you can off shit like that around my way for 800-1200 a p so you got a good deal


Well-Known Member
lol that looks worse then I expected.I aint seen shit that looks that bad in a while.
Id off it in oz's to crack heads who need a quick come up.


Active Member
I would have still bought it.
I like ripping off high school kids, they are the stupidest.
And they believe anything and older person tells them- hintiddy hint hint ;)