A pound a month?


Well-Known Member
If I worked out my cloneing cycle and vegged 8 females out for a month and flowered for a month, (could change due to how fast they grow, but from clone to harvest will be roughly 2 months) would it be possible to get a pound of cured greens every harvest? (about 2 ounces a plant)

Last grows I vegged for about 6weeks and flowered for an additional 4 but this was on t5's and cfls.

The light set-up that I will likely use on this one is a 400watt MH for veg and a 400w HPS for flower. Extra cfls may be included if I see that it's fit.

(usein HID this time 'round because I wasn't really satisfied with the t5 grows. Thought I'd try something new! :eyesmoke:)


all i can tell you is if you are only flowering for 4weeks, you are harvesting some premature smoke....


stays relevant.
you need to double up the quantities, run at least 8 weeks... even then you may have consistency issues... and THEN if you do have a quality setup, with plenty of light, fresh air, co2, good nutes, and a green thumb- you could probably do it.


Active Member
im tryin to find out if this "legal weed" stuff is worth a try. Im wondering if this stuff is like salvia( i hate salvia) or if it gives you a real weed high. i just cant see it being legal if it contains thc. can someone shed some light on the subject?


stays relevant.
im tryin to find out if this "legal weed" stuff is worth a try. Im wondering if this stuff is like salvia( i hate salvia) or if it gives you a real weed high. i just cant see it being legal if it contains thc. can someone shed some light on the subject?
nice way to hijack the thread. and no its not.


stays relevant.
sorry, its my first time on the site, i don't really know how to use it yet.
what you're looking for is the "new thread" button when you look at the specific forum you want to post your questions in. but to answer your question, I have never heard anything positive about those 'legal buds'


Active Member
thanks for the info, hopefully i can figure this out quick so i dont mess another thread