A pictorial grow…..Ethos Grandpa’s Cookies under 2 Gavita LED’s

The clock starts when they all pop out out the soil………I did a thorough watering later in the day today, and I’ll give them a PureCrop1 spray about an hour after lights out, to give the room a chance to cool down first. After that, not much to do but water and raise the LED’s when necessary.
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24 plants, 12 on each side...........I've removed a few sunleaves to allow better penetration of light to bud sites below. They've been lightly lolipoppped also.
I don't see any lines so I assume your feeding by hand. Can you open all sides of the room or do you have to reach under and back to water the ones againt the wall?
If you are reaching, can I ask if your using any fancy tools to help u reach?
This grow looks GREAT!!
I do all feeding by hand. Each side of the room is 3 rows front to back, and 4 plants in each row. The first 2 rows are easy to get to, the back row on each side is reachable, but I have to push branches out of the way to get low to the pots. The walls on 3 sides are drywall, there is no moving them, everything is done from the center of the room. I just use a plastic water can, very simple system. Here's a pic from above:

So the grow space is 4 X 4 sq. ft on each side, so 4 X 8 total....... the gavita LED's above each side are about 44 inches X 42 inches, so they fit perfectly above 12 plants.

This is my 7th full grow under LED's and I'm averaging around 52 oz on each side of the room. So total room, I've gotten between 96 and 108 oz a grow. Basically, 2.3 GPW a grow. Strong numbers, but I've been growing for almost 40 years (I'm 65) and worked in the industry for years so I know my way around plants, fertilizer, plant issues, etc. But my overall method is keeping things as simple as possible start to finish.
1. I use Premier Pro-mix, 3.8 cu. ft. bales with added perlite for drainage.

2. I water and fertilize everyday or two, depending on how dry the pots are.

3. I have a tarp down on the concrete floor, but I do not over water at any time so
there is not much runoff.
props bro your garden looks amazing. ive got a similar setup, 4x8, 2 gallon bags,promix,using emerald harvest nutes...and i cant get near your numbers,,,im also running between 20 to 25 plants per 4x8, i might back up that number in the future

1. how long to you veg?
2. how long do you flower?
3. do you defoliate?
4. are your strains heavy yielders?
5. do you pinch the tops?

answers above will go a long way to develop Yield. Small containers will actually inhibit plant growth too, larger is better.