a noobs best mistake.


hey guys, been lurkin for a while and just recently started to post. i'm still a little paranoid about it...but i'm getting better.

this isnt my first attempt to smoke my own bud...buts its my closest yet. i tried the Scrog method and what was a fail ended up being perfect for me.

my girl was.. i think 5th nod, and i topped her. then trained her under the screen for a mininal amount of time. i then turned to 12 and 12 and let her go.

i didnt get the scrog effect. instead what i see are 7 main branches growing up thru the screen that are a few inches high... plus a few smaller flowers not as high.

it would appear that instaed of using a screen for a scrog method...i simply used the screen as a starting point for branches to start at.

oh...did i mention that the main part of the plant is actually in the pot itself? the screen simply is sitting on top of the pot its growing in. i only filled the pot half way with soil.

i can imagine the plant being much higher than it actually is. she is very different from anything i've seen on here yet so i feel i had to post.

i havent spent much money at all on this either. i had some cheap potting soil, i made the screen from a box fan housing, secured it with chicken wire, had a few seeds from a nice bag of midi, and 2 lamps that were pratically the same that i made into my lightin system. i spent all of about 20$ on lights.

one lamp had 2 lights on it and was a normal ambient light lamp for a livingroom. the other was the same exact style...but a desk light with only 1 housing. i have 3 lights.

shes been flowering for about 3 weeks. i'm lookin forward to smoking my first, finest lady.

sorry bout crappy pics, they are from my cell.



i'm not expecting a very high yield...but i am hopeful. in reality...i just wanna smoke my own weed one time. then maybe i'll focus on yield. i'm just glad it grew the way it did cuz all the branches have equal amounts of light, as opposed to if i just let the shit grow without a screen.

any1 ever had a failed scrog grow like this? it would seem that this is an easy method of keeping a plant shorter without too much training involved.


Looking good.

thank you sir. if i can figure out how to +rep some1...i will you considering you are the first person to post on my first grow.

ha. as long as i get atleast a 1/8...i'll be happy. i figure i should be able to get 3.5gs from 7 branches no matter how horribly its grown.


Well-Known Member
Let her goooo !

Looks great, good luck and if things go your way you should get a lot more than an 1/8th.

Peace - :joint::peace:


Active Member
ima gonna guess u may get a lil more than an 1/8
she has good looking tops.
i wanted to try an scrog did you top the plant then place the screen right above where u topped her?


ima gonna guess u may get a lil more than an 1/8
she has good looking tops.
i wanted to try an scrog did you top the plant then place the screen right above where u topped her?
Yes,I topped her right before she reached the end of the pot she's in. Then I kept her under for 2 weeks or so. Then flowered. I had to flower her when she was young to find out sex, then veged her out for another few weeks. Its supposed to hurt yield but like I said..I'm not too worried about that right. She's the first girl I've had to come this far. I'm just happy she might make it to harvest.


so i had a problem with her in her later days. she started to yellow severely. i have used no nutrients in this grow. nothing. i opted to chop her a little early to salvage the green bud rather than wait any longer and watch the buds start to die.

so this morning i chopper her down and trimmed her up.

i just want to thank the entire rollitup community. You have taught me enough to complete 1 grow...and taught me enough to know what my mistakes the 1st time were.

so here she is. i've been callin her "Ish" after watching freaknik the musical on adult swim. lol

i dont have a scale....and she's only been drying for a few hours. visually....looks great. cant complain.



btw, i did sample her already. i didnt even bother to quick dry it. i just stuffed it in my slide and baked it. besides the green taste, she does the trick. the buds are light and fluffy. with nutrients and what not, i could have had better bud with more yield... but i only spent like 20$ or so in lights. thats my total cost. i am happy as a kid on christmas.