A noob with a poor plant yellow leaves


Active Member
Ok so heres the deal im a total noob i just had some seeds so i thought Fuck it theres no harm in growing.
I germinated the seeds and things were going well.
I have the plant outside during the day and bring it in at night time and just put it under a lamp.
The stem stretched so i re potted it to the bottom leaves and things were good.
The i decided to fertalize it ( dumb idea ) But i saved it in time.
but now the leaves are stating to turn yellowy brown colour.
so i clipped a little of the end leaves off thinking that it may flow through the plant.
I will post a pic up.
Please only reply back if you are going to be serious.
You cant see much in the pic but any help would be much appreesh


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Well-Known Member
shit man it's only a baby, just chill and let it grow, no nutes until its a foot or two tall, the soil should be sufficient for now and repot when necessary


Well-Known Member
Welcome tokeon.. As said above don't nute for 3-4 weeks in..they also look a little over watered..how often do you ? I mist a few times daily and give a good watering every 4-5th day..the misting takes away any chanceof over watering ..just let it do it's own thing till it gets a grip..nute & water is all you should need..barring any grim events.. LUCK


New Member
Yellow seedlings is a sign of over watering. Water with a lot of water, but then don't water till it's bone dry (3-5 days) stick your finger like 2 inches into the soil to see it it's damp, you should allow it to get dry enough that the roots can get oxygen. The best way to stop the yellowing is to stop watering till it's green, then start watering again... Just use plain water on the little ones no food needed till it is big enough to handle it.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
You really should look at my journal. I think any questions you may have will be answered by my earlier fuck ups! But on the plus side i had a plant that looked just like that minus one of the big leaves and it is now my tallest bushiest plant!!!

Just water and plenty of light! I'd not bring it out then back in. You can get and bring bugs in. No bueno. IMO i'd bring them in side get some good light and go with it for 24/7 till you see some healthier babies!



Active Member
Thank you all heaps for the advice.
I have worked in 2 nurseries before so i dont know why i decided to fertalize it i must have been high :P
yeh i think i have been over watering so im going to let it dry out before i water it again.
All of you have been so much help.

Iam also germinating some seeds at the moment.
Once the root comes out would it be right to put it straight in my garden or should i let it grow in a pot first?


Active Member

I usualy water just a tiny bit everyday so i guess thats where i have gone wrong.Working at nurseries im so used to watering all the other plants everyday haha.
Time to stop tht habbit.