A noob with a plan


Active Member
So i am getting ready for second grow, 1st was a joke BUT i learned a lot and i am ready for what is coming next.

I have a lot of ideas but a small light, i run a 135 w blackstar led ufo(veg&flower), i understood that is rather small and doesn't have so good penetration such as an hps so the extra time of veg to be beneficial BUT it's the only i have for now, maybe i can afford 4 42 w cfls 2700 k for flowering , we will see about that...

THE PLAN IS :to do a small S.O.G

to veg a mother and take 20 -30 clones from her

Strain is Silver Cheese sativa dominant.
Medium will be soil perlite 70-30%.
Nutes:Biogrow and biobloom from biobizz.

When clones root i will keep the most vigorous and throw em in 12/12. i will take clones from the clones too, for 2 reasons.
1)A perpetual harvest
2)To remove the side shoots and leave the main stem only.


What size - shape pots do i need and how many plants should i stick in there? The ufo covers 4 Square Feet.

Happy growing everyone :weed:


Well-Known Member
The less you put in there the better off you'll be...the limited lighting will be what holds you back...depending on where you are, you could veg the clones and mother then introduce them to the outdoors for a winter harvest...but your light will be your weakest link for flowering...g/l


Well-Known Member
In my opinion that LED is best for 2 maybe 3 plants. Since you don't get the best coverage with LED its best to think small and what you can fit directly under the light. 1 plant in a 5g bucket, or 2 plants in 3 gallon buckets sounds like a good fit to me.
If you want to do something larger my suggestion is to get more LED units, since LEDs only provide optimal coverage in a small footprint it is really benefical to have multiple units when trying to cover a large area. Myself I use 2 180w units and a 240w unit in my 2x3 tent covering 5 plants (I could fit 6 but im limited by those pesky laws and such) I probably have more light then I need, but more is better in my opinion.
My rule of thumb is 100w of light per plant and 1 unit for every 2 plants, this provides great coverage and will easily equal or surpass a HPS light of the same wattage at a fraction of the energy and cooling costs. However start up costs can be pretty high.


Active Member
The less you put in there the better off you'll be...the limited lighting will be what holds you back...depending on where you are, you could veg the clones and mother then introduce them to the outdoors for a winter harvest...but your light will be your weakest link for flowering...g/l
If that was an option it would be amazing!


Active Member
"In my opinion that LED is best for 2 maybe 3 plants. Since you don't get the best coverage with LED its best to think small and what you can fit directly under the light."

I agree with that, this is what i am asking how many small plants with only one dick fit under that light?
I know i should put more light in there propaply will do in the future but for know i want to make the best with what i have,thnx


Active Member
Nowhere near enough light for 20-30 clones, time to rethink your plans.
Yea, i said that i would keep the most vigorous of them, the plan is to take a lot, some will not root maybe. i was thinking about 8 small ones, lolipopped also so if i see that they don't fit well i wiil gradually remove them.. c mon pros give reasons not to do it!


Well-Known Member
if you cloned them in party cups with just rooting time and maybe 1-2 weeks veg then flip you would get maybe a 1/4 a plant
but you could fit maybe 12-16 plants or so under the light the thing is that led's need to be fairly close to the plants 12-16 inches this makes your light foot print smaller and you cover less area


Active Member
ok gyus so if i purchase another ufo or somthing like that is my plan goiong to work? and if so what size - shape of pots?


Well-Known Member
dude your going to need 1k watt HID atleast for your sea of green idea. you should just grow 1 or 2 plants. taking 20-30 clones is alot if you have not ever done it before. it would be kinda hard to do a sea of green if your growing things in party cups i would use flood and drain tables. growing that many plants your obviously growing for some patients or trying to make money and you should invest and use the correct equipment and be prepared or our just going to be at a total loss in the end.


Active Member
dude your going to need 1k watt HID atleast for your sea of green idea. you should just grow 1 or 2 plants. taking 20-30 clones is alot if you have not ever done it before. it would be kinda hard to do a sea of green if your growing things in party cups i would use flood and drain tables. growing that many plants your obviously growing for some patients or trying to make money and you should invest and use the correct equipment and be prepared or our just going to be at a total loss in the end.
No dude i am not selling anything or have any patients, i want to grow the best i can with what i have for myself only and my girlfriend and, No i don't need a 1kw for my closet, i was thinking of it and as a newbie i am i posted on the newbie section. And was wondering if instesd of doing 2 plants maybe go for more little ones..