A nl#5 reveg journal


Well-Known Member
been a little while since last update - what can i say? she's slooow!
reveg is a game for the patient, and for those ladies you don't want to let go of
so just to resynch everyone on why this reveg is being done - really stems from being a micro grower - my comfort zone is 2 small plants, if the laws in my state get better, then i'll consider upgrading
i just couldn't afford the luxury of cloning at the start - which brings us to where we are
she really is showing veg points that are just about cloneable - or so i think, haven't done a clone yet, best guess, and whether to continue the reveg or clone, that is the question
so this is what she looks like today on day 39



Well-Known Member
She's doing FINE BRO..:clap::clap:

24/0 would be A LITTLE faster...

The "flowering hormone" builds up in the dark and dissipates in the day...

So you are still allowing your plant to produce SOME... where 24/0 would produce NONE...

BUT.. if you were in a hurry, you would not be doing this...

I don't think the extra electricity would be worth a few days less in the end...

But ... I'm cheap...;-)


Well-Known Member
GypsyBush, much appreciate the looks and comments - looks like you've done reveg a number of times, so an experienced eye is real good

revegging is all new to me, so hard to judge if it's doing bad or good

which brings us to the state of the plant - she's taking off!
but it's not even - the outer branches seem to have taken off, but closer to the center it's a bit of a mixed bag
there's some browning dying bud in the center, and some fan leaf, probably should do a house cleaning today, trim away some of the crap
so she's definitely clone-able now, but why clone when i can smell bud a few weeks in the future?



Well-Known Member
robtoker, wonderblunder - good to have you taking a peek, hope the show gets better soon

so, she's moving along - not real fast, i think i've fallen behind on nutes a bit, saw a touch of 'i want nitrogen' yellowing - nutes are brewing baby

here's her current look, trimmed out some junk so she's not as embarrassed to have her pic taken

inserting a picture inline doesn't seem to work anymore, noticed a system change a little while ago that seems to have broken that feature



Well-Known Member
i was thinking about taking this reveg to flower, but i've decided to go to the clone route

want to shrink my grow down to the pc case size, my last haul of 35g of this girl, and you've got one big supply - just don't need that much of this potency

so i've cut a clone, been in the ground for 1 day - but i'll keep cutting till one takes

so here's the link for the pc grow of this nl#5


and a pic of the clone

Hey fellas, I am about to start a reveg myself, she has not been harvested yet. My concern is that all the info and guides I've read about reveging deal with soil. I am running hydro with hydroton as my media. How do I cut back the root ball? Will there even be a root ball when I pull it out of the hydroton? Will the roots be smashed when I pour new hydroton onto them afterwards?

My final question is, should I leave the rockwool base that this soon-to-be mother first grew through? I will attach pictures, but it looks kind of, well, gross. Should I tear the old rockwool away? Thanks for any help~:joint:



Active Member
nice job... im reveging as well. new growth came quick but got screwed just as quick....left in direct sunlight too long, burned one up pretty good. mine were also pretty butchered at harvest, but am trying anyway.
i will check in on this frequently.


Well-Known Member
i want to try a reveg as well. Sounds pretty fun. Whats your cloning process growone?
i fear my cloning process is not as good as it could have been
i cut 2 clones from the top, maybe 2 weeks apart
my 1st clone has to be about 3 weeks old, not really budging much
didn't use any rooting compound, thought i'd try it 'bare' so to speak
the clone top leaves are curling back, and quite skinny
on the other hand, she doesn't seem to be dying either
the 2nd clone is in a bit better shape, but both got some yellowing on lower fan leaf
the roots just haven taken yet, really hoping they will take off shortly


Well-Known Member
Try to keep the area very humid, if they are still looking alive that is a good sign and they could/ should be ok. I use a humidity dome and what not. It helps. I have had some nasty looking clones turn into healthy little guys several times


Well-Known Member
yeah, i actually did the 1st one with a dome, kept it on for a week or so
popped it off, things looked good
then after 2 weeks moved it closer to the light, figured i had a root ball
didn't use a dome on the 2nd clone, didn't really semm to make a difference from what i could see


Well-Known Member
Dont move them closer to the light for a while. They are really sensitive. I use one cfl over every for clones. It will take about a week (probably more with no hormone) for roots to pop out, and then they take a little into the transition. I hope your little guys live, and I think you know what you are doin


Well-Known Member
well +rep for all the help - this was my 1st cloning try
still have the mother near a window for light, so maybe try cutting a 3rd clone
i actually do have some rooting compound, been down in a cool basement for probably 10 years
wasn't sure what shape it was in, so went without


Well-Known Member
It took me forever with clones, I just didn't have the right info and the DIY aeroponic cloners didn't cut it. I use rock wool, and Rapid Rooter cubes. I also got some little expandable soil balls surrounded in mesh that I am trying to. The owner of my local growshop says he has never used any rooting compound or anything on his clones. I think you will get it. Hope all works out for ya. I think you got the hang of it


Well-Known Member
so hey growone, are you still revegging? also, how did your clones do with no rooting hormone? did you get any of them to root? only reason i ask, is cause i dont have the funds to get the rooting hormone rite now... i know they do better with this, i was just wanting a ratio without it...


Well-Known Member
hey micro, the reveg is done, both clones have rooted without compound
took a long time, a good 30 days, one is taking off
the other i mistreated, but looks like that one is worth growing too
so it can be done, it's an investment in time


Well-Known Member
gotcha.. so you can do it, just rooting hormones get clones going faster... do you think the 24/0 would have made that much of a dif than 18/6?


Well-Known Member
gotcha.. so you can do it, just rooting hormones get clones going faster... do you think the 24/0 would have made that much of a dif than 18/6?
well, no professional on cloning, this was my 1st
but from what i've read, it might help a little, but then you see the other opinion that 18/6 increases root growth
so not really sure, i did try 24/0 in my very 1st grow attempt, it seemed a little faster, but not much