A new use for lego


Well-Known Member
036.jpg037.jpg038.jpgI dont know about you,but I find it a pain to keep raising and adjusting the posistion of cfls.Mabey its my set up? but it really winds me up.Ive come home from work many times to find my plants burning away.Well now I use lego,you can raise and lower them pretty much perfectly.Just thought I would spread the news.


Well-Known Member
Man.....stealing your kid's duplo blocks to grow dope is just wrong. You should be ashamed of yourself. Me? I'm going to steal some from my kid's preschool. :)


Active Member
im gonna dig mine out of the attic, i got techno lego - beat that ;) with wheels so i can move my light tower!


Well-Known Member
I think I wont just use them as an adjustable base,, will end end making a sweet lego city in a forest of ganja,,
Next grow,,,hahha,
a Top cfl tip though,,,
Take it easy,,,,


Well-Known Member
It seemed to make sence,you can just add more blocks or take them away depending on what your after.My boys got so much lego he dont know what to do with it all.A lego city in a forest of ganja made me laugh...like it..


Well-Known Member
not thought of string or wire off your main reflector? or dror a 250 down in middle?
I used to use string to hang them,it got to a point where it looked like spider man had been in my tent.Getting them out to water was a pain