a new standard for shipping viable rooted clones


Active Member
so this is directed to the professional botanists tech folk out there .. what is the best most compact method of packing and shipping rooted clones in glass cigar tubes injected with oxygen packed cryogenicly roots packed in anti fungal treated rockwool .. coldpack insulated box like ordering a cheesecake?
is there a chemical that will put them in suspended animation...chemical soup to prevent shock ... ok the question has been posed ,,,, clones rule for med patients


Well-Known Member
that would be sweet if they could but i'm sure if it was possible you'd be able to order online from long distance suppliers,i dunno would be cool tho :)


Active Member
yep its the thing that brainiacs must help with...
in all of plant science theres got to be a way !!!!! the other idea was a guy talking about a male female detection kit... quick snap type indicator
thats another story... who would know at the royal botanical garden at kew?...3 days in a box in the dark ...ok come on guys and gals...

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
There are places that ship clones of legal plants, so this would definitely be possible. Your best bet would be mailing them during the colder months when it's not so cold it'd freeze. You'd also want to ship via a really fast method like FedEx overnight if that were possible. As for containers, rooting a clone in some form of gel, in a small canning jar, would probably work well. That way you wouldn't have to disturb it by moving it to another container.


Active Member
They do have airpumps that work with battery, but I'm not sure how long. People use it for a fishing live catch tank.


Active Member
whats the temp at which they go into suspended animation and how to maintain it low tech ... how much oxygen keeps them viable in specific ratios... what substrate for the roots is perfect? and how many max per shipment is totally stealthy..calling herr doktor einstein!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!