a new lighting question


Well-Known Member
I was going on what I've learned so far from reading and growing. The question arose from him asking if two 24 watt lights was enough for his grow. I gave him a range of Lumens that would be more sufficient to get him on the right track... thats all... I apologize for not having my Bible up my ass as well.
You were going on what you've learnt from reading and growing? Clearly you haven't learnt much because your estimation of his light requirements were way out to what the optimum levels are for the 3 different phases of growth. 7-8,000 lumens would do the trick? Way way too many for seedling and clone growth which only requires 4-500 per sq foot, way way too many for vegetative growth which only needs about 2,500 per sq foot and about 2,000 too few for flowering!

So you're telling this guy he needs 7-8,000 lumens, when at the stage he's at at the moment it's way too many and he'll be paying out for lumens he doesn't need - thats wasted money and poor advice.

You're not alone, the vast majority of newbies on this site don't have a clue what the optimum levels of light are for the 3 different stages of plant growth and just 'guess' at what they think they are, get it wrong and grow poor yields.

I tell you what they are and you bust my balls over it! Nice going dude.


Well-Known Member
You were going on what you've learnt from reading and growing? Clearly you haven't learnt much because your estimation of his light requirements were way out to what the optimum levels are for the 3 different phases of growth. 7-8,000 lumens would do the trick? Way way too many for seedling and clone growth which only requires 4-500 per sq foot, way way too many for vegetative growth which only needs about 2,500 per sq foot and about 2,000 too few for flowering!

So you're telling this guy he needs 7-8,000 lumens, when at the stage he's at at the moment it's way too many and he'll be paying out for lumens he doesn't need - thats wasted money and poor advice.

You're not alone, the vast majority of newbies on this site don't have a clue what the optimum levels of light are for the 3 different stages of plant growth and just 'guess' at what they think they are, get it wrong and grow poor yields.

I tell you what they are and you bust my balls over it! Nice going dude.
Boy, where do I start?... For starters, if you saw my plants from my first grow you'd eat your words about how I haven't learned much. Also, I clearly stated that he wouldn't need that many lumens while the plant was still small but later as the plant grew he would need more. I was being vague but the main point was that he definitely did not have enough light for a grow. Please, please forgive me for not giving him the optimum specs.
It is pretty clear that someone with two 24 W lights who has started a grow and has apparently not done any real research to learn what is needed (no offense to OhioGrown intended at all), does not necessarily need to be given quotes out of your bible (try not to let those pages get stuck together babyboy) for optimal conditions. I was basically saying he needs more light. Not to say that letting him know those specs is a bad thing, just not a dire necessity.

But all that aside...
Lets remember that this issue started because I asked you a simple question based on your quoted info and you acted like I shot a load in your face or something to that extent.
No one is busting your balls about anything other than you being a defensive, insecure prick with an obvious inferiority complex. Please understand that your reliable and accurate information is always appreciated; as long as it comes minus the severe attitude problem that you have. Nobody cares if you have a small pecker or your mom didn't hug you enough while you were a child. Get over it and take your negative energy out elsewhere please.

On a side note, I have submitted this exchange of postings to the psychology department at the university that I graduated from. A friend of mine is an associate professor and gives lecture in behavioral science. He will be using your postings to show his students an example of someone with a clear cut case of low self esteem and a sense of inadequacy.

Remember, at the end of the day you are right about the info you have given, mainly because it has come directly out of your book. i guess I should pick a bible up so as not to continue on your bad side. I'd love to continue further, but I have real work to do. You da man babygro!

Peace out in da hood!


Well-Known Member
Spliffman, honestly you are the Man!
besides that, i just got 2 new B-13 ( Blueberry + G13) clone cuttings. im going to try to figure out how to post a picture of my "rooting set up". im trying to get the clone to root just using water, i have a 5in. tall container, with a lid. 3 holes are in lid, one with the air tube going in ( a fish tank pump, with small bubble spreader on tube end) and the other 2 holes with the cuttings in them. im using the 26 watt cfl ( which is 100w normal).

if you have any further hepful advice please let me kno.

check my pics.

:peace: " we were taking acid almost every week" Said Weir.


Well-Known Member
Spliffman, honestly you are the Man!
besides that, i just got 2 new B-13 ( Blueberry + G13) clone cuttings. im going to try to figure out how to post a picture of my "rooting set up". im trying to get the clone to root just using water, i have a 5in. tall container, with a lid. 3 holes are in lid, one with the air tube going in ( a fish tank pump, with small bubble spreader on tube end) and the other 2 holes with the cuttings in them. im using the 26 watt cfl ( which is 100w normal).

if you have any further hepful advice please let me kno.

check my pics.

:peace: " we were taking acid almost every week" Said Weir.
Looks good. So is that like a home made aeroponic clone machine? How'd you come up with that? I hear that clones root a lot faster in those. You might want to put a dome over it to keep moisture trapped in. They say that before the clones root they need to be in a humid environment. My clones have taken forever to root (like 3 weeks). i want to build something like that eventually. Did you score those clones from a buddy?


Well-Known Member
Looks good. So is that like a home made aeroponic clone machine? How'd you come up with that? I hear that clones root a lot faster in those. You might want to put a dome over it to keep moisture trapped in. They say that before the clones root they need to be in a humid environment. My clones have taken forever to root (like 3 weeks). i want to build something like that eventually. Did you score those clones from a buddy?
yea i did make it my self, it was the advice of my local buddie. thanks for the info of the dome over it, im going to do that for sure. also my buddie has used this method for a few years now, and he said it works great. the longest time it should take for them to be done rooting is 2 weeks, sometimes as short as 10 days.
also yes i did score these 2 clones from him, same for the clone that got attacked by mice. i cant wait for these girls to be done, its gunna be some bomb headie nuggets.

also when do i move up from junior member/stranger. im no stranger.....but strangers do have the best candy :) for sure


Well-Known Member
that remindes me, what cycle should i have my 2 clones on? they have been in my water system for only one day. and i currently have them on 24h cycle. i have heard that you need 18/6 for clones to root, but that might be in soil. sooooo any help is great?


Well-Known Member
What light schedule did you have them on, 24, or 18/6?
Initially I had them on 24 hours, but after nothing happened I posted a question on here and was told that they needed a dark period. Also Garden Knowm posted some info on light and dark cycles required for clones, veg and flowering etc... So I switched to 18/6 and roots started to come in about one week later. It was my first clone attempt and so far 7 out of 9 have roots. Can they not root with 24 hours of light?


Active Member
In 24 hours of light thats when the cycle is very good for vegatative growth but during the dark periods is when the roots tnd to grow so... at least thats how ive always heard it and read it....