A.N. Nirvana? OR Rayner Essentials Crude Black Strap Molasses...?


Well-Known Member
Any reason you wouldn't just buy a bottle of blackstrap molasses from the grocery store?

The AN Nirvana seems to be blackstrap molasses with a little bit of alfalfa, a little bit of kelp, a little digested soy protein, and a WHOLE LOT of hype and marketing. I'm sure it would work just fine, but there are definitely cheaper routes...

Alfalfa and kelp are dirt cheap, and it's very easy to brew them into teas...


Well-Known Member
Right well I got hold of some Crude Black Strap Molasses, and Ladies in Flower had their 2nd feed with it today..They seem happy enough? Been Googling like "Mad" and still not come up with much on the Kelp Meal and the Alfalfa Meal..well found loads of Info..but NOT so many UK sellers? Lots of USA(But either don't Post OR the PnP kills it)
Anyone from the UK got any Info on where to get...?

Found this stuff from a UK seller, But NOT sure if would be able to use??


Did see an Interesting bit of Info about using Nettles to make a Tea...We got plenty of those...



Well-Known Member
The stuff you're looking for is ascophyllum nodosum. If that's what they're feeding horses, then that's what you want.

As for the alfalfa meal, check your local feed/pet/farm supply store for rabbit food. This is usually just alfalfa pellets.

Check the ingredients of BOTH products to make sure they don't have salt added. Sometimes they add salt to supplement the animal's diet, but plants won't appreciate it.