A mystery in need of solving.


Well-Known Member
So back in 2004, a friend of mine found a bunch of stuff in a box. Included in this was several hundred marijuana seeds, all hand packaged and labeled. He recently gave me a bunch to try. However, there are 3 strains I cannot find any info on. They are as follows: Mexican Green, Shasta Red Fir, and the most mysterious one is only labeled N4TW. I live up in nothern cali, for what that's worth. Any knowledge or reasonable speculation is welcome. Thanks in advance for the help.


Active Member
well mexican green is slang for marijuana lol but i would guess sativa because Mexican brick weed is sativa(mostly) but its a shot in the dark. But basically it's all a guess it sounds like someone tried to make their own strain(s) and just started making up names! Grow it out maybe you got some good stuff man good luck!


Well-Known Member
well mexican green is slang for marijuana lol but i would guess sativa because Mexican brick weed is sativa(mostly) but its a shot in the dark. But basically it's all a guess it sounds like someone tried to make their own strain(s) and just started making up names! Grow it out maybe you got some good stuff man good luck!
I hope something turns out, germing 2 of the auto big buds that came in it. It's kind of exciting, who knows what I'll get?