A message for those who want to use a pre-paid gift card


Well-Known Member
So I just picked up a pre-paid Visa and put $150 on it to order some babies, only to have my transactions declined. Why? Because on the top right of my card it reads 'Valid only in the US.' *D'OH* So if you're getting a pre-paid Visa, make sure you can use it internationally.

I feel so dumb. Now I have a damn pointless $150 gift card to use until I run out of money on it. Sveet.

I guess I'll just use my own debit card...


So I just picked up a pre-paid Visa and put $150 on it to order some babies, only to have my transactions declined. Why? Because on the top right of my card it reads 'Valid only in the US.' *D'OH* So if you're getting a pre-paid Visa, make sure you can use it internationally.

I feel so dumb. Now I have a damn pointless $150 gift card to use until I run out of money on it. Sveet.

I guess I'll just use my own debit card...
order from attitude i used a prepaid that said the same and it worked no problem also got my seeds in 5 days to the midwest:leaf:


Active Member
is the international VISA one the proper to use?\
if so where do I pick one up?
where do they sell them???


Well-Known Member
order from attitude i used a prepaid that said the same and it worked no problem also got my seeds in 5 days to the midwest:leaf:
I just picked up a pre-paid today and I've been trying to order from Attitude but it keeps saying payment failed. :(

I'd probably have to get an international. I wonder if I could go back to the store, get an international one, then use the regular card I have to put money on it.


make sure your entering it as a credit card and not debit , cause mine said debit on it but the instructions said if i tried to use as a debit card it would be declined, just a thought


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much :)
i also bought prepaid visa for same reason first card same as yours declined outside u.s. then the second card came in mail [same account&funds] there was no outside u.s. restriction on this one the card i bought was only a temp. this card worked fine yeah i was pissed when the temp.card wuz declined:fire:but it all worked out