Well my morning started off on a hell bent mission.

I've been saying I'm a cheap bastard for quite some time and I sure as hell was today.

Harbor Freight got my hole saw set $10, one $4 timer and a chew toy for my Security Guard / Assistant / Dis-organizer

The Restore was good for a $2 timer that runs down from 30 min. for the green light socket. I got some PVC fittings for $1 a piece compared to $4-6 from Lowes. I got a few extra in case mine didn't work out and duplicates can be returned.

I stopped at Radio Shack for some Red & Green bulbs. That's a random idea I got while

and I figure I got a while to figure it out.

I got back and got on it. The Green Light Timer is all hard wired & tested. I got the power strip mounted in the center (now I need one more timer) I started the lower Exhaust hole last night before I knew there were $10 hole saw sets and I started there. I was a good inch off and I'll make it work. The hole saws are not meant for metal and I tried my best but the metal won.

I even dulled the shit out of the 4" one before I gave up. (Wonder if that counts on the lifetime warranty

) It worked great for the inside plastic shell. I got the Cool Tube intake and exhaust in. I used the 4" hole saw and scraped the foam out then used it from the outside to mark the hole. Then I used a jigsaw and got the holes in good. I got the tubes in but need to work on a way to stiffer and tighten them. Thinking Gorilla glue. I'll have to ponder the lower hole and I'm yet to work out a intake for the chamber. Here's a pic of the girl I plan to put in here.
So I'll have a 4" PVC with a DIY carbon scrubber on the top and a fan in the place the compressor was. What fan would anyone advise? I was thinking a ducting booster but I'm still researching it.
Back after some more of this hair-brained project that I've been randomly thinking of for a LONG time. It's 4:20 so i gotta burn and ponder.