A look into my 2x2x3. Comments and advice welcome.


Well-Known Member

Hello all, this is my tiny tent, but the tent I have the most fun in. This is where I pop my seeds and clone my clones. I'm about to veg and then flower in my 2 other tents, so I'm going to have some time and try something new in this tent. Going to try a synthganic approach.

The 2 Tangerine Dreams in the back and the Zkittlez in the front are going to be out of here shortly. The bigger sour queen clone is going to be given to a friend.

The Super OG Kush is an auto-flower. I'm going to grow and finish her here in that 1/2 gallon she's in. 4/5 of the soil is a super soil I mixed, the top 1/5 is FFOF because she was stretchy. I'm going to top her early and hopefully train her to be low and flat. I'm going to top dress her lightly and regularly with Dr. Earth Flower girl for the microbes as well as nutrition. I'm going to regularly give her recharge and the occasional compost tea. I'm going to lightly feed her dyna-gro foliage pro and some cal mag when she looks hungry for veg and flower.

I'm also going to keep a cut of Tangie Cookies and Sour Queen alive in this tent for 3+ months in solo cups, and at some point, a couple more cuts.

At some point I'm going to zip tie the power strip behind the filter, and the light 8 inches higher to the top of the tent, and hope she doesn't outgrow the tent.
The light is garbage, it's an amazon brand with some type of LED diodes that draws 90 watts, at some point going to upgrade it to another amazon trash board from my other tent that at least has a driver and a dimmer.

What you all think? How would you feed her differently or set my tent up? comments, questions, and advice welcome
Is that filter at the bottom the exhaust
Yes, the tent has a wooden tabletop surface on top of it, so I'm leery to hang it and put additional weight on the frame. I'm not sure it will even fit next to the light when I zip tie that thing to the top anyways. But it is annoying
Nice job, I'd move that carbon filter to the top of the tent, if you have room. I've move the electrical higher or outside, spills suck.

If your fabric pot, or any pots, are sitting in run off I'd put something under them. some PVC rounds are cheap and do a good job. Lower right is that a Gorilla Glue? I noticed the leaf twist that is pretty classic. If not that can be a pH issue. I keep my fan pointed at my plants. I want them to move lightly to strengthen stems but be judicious in that you don't want them experiencing a hurricane :lol:

Your space looks ok and your plants look happy, good job, keep it up.
Nice job, I'd move that carbon filter to the top of the tent, if you have room. I've move the electrical higher or outside, spills suck.

If your fabric pot, or any pots, are sitting in run off I'd put something under them. some PVC rounds are cheap and do a good job. Lower right is that a Gorilla Glue? I noticed the leaf twist that is pretty classic. If not that can be a pH issue. I keep my fan pointed at my plants. I want them to move lightly to strengthen stems but be judicious in that you don't want them experiencing a hurricane :lol:

Your space looks ok and your plants look happy, good job, keep it up.
I have a wet vac to empty them after feeding, but that's a good idea I'm going to do that. Lower right is a zkittlez, I got it from a local grow shop, seedsman was listed as the breeder but I couldn't find any record of seedsman doing a zkittlez so it very well could be lol. I've been bending and pushing her down frequently, and bent her right before photo. She's in a soil I mixed, it's 1/3 coco 1/3 rice hulls/pumice 1/3 few different composts and castings buldasoil nutrient and coco mineral pack, basalt dust, and kemp meal. She's going to be organic only, haven't checked any kind of ph with her. My ladies are gently moving around because that little fan is putting off a decent breeze, that's something I didn't do right on previous grows. Going to move fan around as the OG Kush grows and probably add another little fan because I need to upgrade the fans in my other tents.
Thank you for your comments :)
I have a wet vac to empty them after feeding, but that's a good idea I'm going to do that. Lower right is a zkittlez, I got it from a local grow shop, seedsman was listed as the breeder but I couldn't find any record of seedsman doing a zkittlez so it very well could be lol. I've been bending and pushing her down frequently, and bent her right before photo. She's in a soil I mixed, it's 1/3 coco 1/3 rice hulls/pumice 1/3 few different composts and castings buldasoil nutrient and coco mineral pack, basalt dust, and kemp meal. She's going to be organic only, haven't checked any kind of ph with her. My ladies are gently moving around because that little fan is putting off a decent breeze, that's something I didn't do right on previous grows. Going to move fan around as the OG Kush grows and probably add another little fan because I need to upgrade the fans in my other tents.
Thank you for your comments :)
Interesting, it does say undisclosed strain as one of the strains behind zskittelz so who knows. If there is a pH problem you'll notice slowed growth. But she looks happy and robust. I look forward to hearing how they turn out.
Interesting, it does say undisclosed strain as one of the strains behind zskittelz so who knows. If there is a pH problem you'll notice slowed growth. But she looks happy and robust. I look forward to hearing how they turn out.
Thanks, I will def be posting some pics much later on when I get her transplanted and in a trellis net.

I'm also going to raise my filter, even if I have to angle the light. I live in a small apartment on a slab with a couple of dachshunds regularly zooming around, so I'm sucking away my natural co2 source :D
Thanks, I will def be posting some pics much later on when I get her transplanted and in a trellis net.

I'm also going to raise my filter, even if I have to angle the light. I live in a small apartment on a slab with a couple of dachshunds regularly zooming around, so I'm sucking away my natural co2 source :D
Those Dachs of yours are mega cute. I have yorkie and silky terriers. One of them would watch me chopping and trimming. He'd lay there keeping a close eye on me. So one time I walked into the grow room, he ZOOMs by me, leaps and grabs a branch and snapped it off. I just stood there in amazement (I have a metric fuckton of pot so I didn't care). He sat down with it between his paws and started chewing! Finally he literally spat it out and gave me a horrified look and stomped out. It was so funny.
Yes, the tent has a wooden tabletop surface on top of it, so I'm leery to hang it and put additional weight on the frame. I'm not sure it will even fit next to the light when I zip tie that thing to the top anyways. But it is annoying
You wanna exhaust at the top. Expels the heat and helps pull in air from your fresh air vent which should be at the bottom. My understanding c02 is heavier than oxygen and having the filter at the bottom would just be sucking out the c02 that the plants need
You wanna exhaust at the top. Expels the heat and helps pull in air from your fresh air vent which should be at the bottom. My understanding c02 is heavier than oxygen and having the filter at the bottom would just be sucking out the c02 that the plants need
Thank you, I will do that.
I would also put that power strip on the out side of tent as well run all the cords through one of the lower vent holes. I most mine every now and then so hate to see a fire happen or someone come find you dead at your plants
I would also put that power strip on the out side of tent as well run all the cords through one of the lower vent holes. I most mine every now and then so hate to see a fire happen or someone come find you dead at your plants
Thanks, It looks more dangerous than it is. It's normally tucked to the side of the filter. I had my wet vac out, but changed my mind because of the freshly added soil I put on the OG. But I am really glad you said something, because now I'm actually worried about it. The timer doesn't have a ground on it, that is a dangerous set-up. I'm going to replace that tomorrow and put that power strip in a safer spot. Sadly, I'm an electrician, and I only considered burning my plants down.
Thanks, It looks more dangerous than it is. It's normally tucked to the side of the filter. I had my wet vac out, but changed my mind because of the freshly added soil I put on the OG. But I am really glad you said something, because now I'm actually worried about it. The timer doesn't have a ground on it, that is a dangerous set-up. I'm going to replace that tomorrow and put that power strip in a safer spot. Sadly, I'm an electrician, and I only considered burning my plants down.
I was going to ask if that's what Sparky meant. My uncle was an electrician too.
Yes, I think it's a common name they give to bumbling apprentices. I did my apprenticeship through an old school residential electrician that wouldn't let me shut circuits off. So guys from other trades ended up referring to me as sparky lol

Took 2 more cuts. Going to keep a total of 5 small clones in here with the OG. Only need to keep them alive a couple months, I decided I need to send both my other tents into flower asap. Got the area cleaned up a bit.


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