A little light help


Well-Known Member
I have a closet thats 8 sq ft. I have been looking for the right lamp and its come down to a 250 watt hps or a 400.. So my questions is how much heat would each lamp put out in an area that size? thanx
go for the 400 man for a space thats 8x8x8, that would do nice. you plant on getting ventelation dont you? as long as you have ventelation you should be fine. also how many plants do you plan on having? any more than 8 plants or so you should get a higher one like 400 for sure. if you can get away with like 6 plants or less you should get the 250. it will save money and still give great results.
Im sorry bro what i meant was i have a space thats 2 ft. deep and 4 ft long 6ft high. I had planned on using the scrog method.
A 250 isn't enough for that space. You can use a 250 and partition of a smaller space or get the 400 and just deal with the heat.

Get a window A/C unit and the 400, or if you aren't allowed to install a window A/C get one of those portable stand alone ones but they don't work quite as well so go bigger.

It's worth the heat, power and A/C.
:leaf:Well lemme tell ya its going to be in a closet bro Im really in a jam with the heat thing I would love to get a 400 but HEAT is a bitch and is something i have to worry about.:leaf: any other suggestions?
hey man sorry i havnt got back to ya sooner... well what do ya know i have the exact same closet space (well mine is 2x3x6) mine is lined with black and clear heavy duty plastic so they will have absolute dark durring the dark cycle. i just got a 400w hps/mh and i have kinda been worried about the heat as well... i dont have any venting put in, theres no way i can get an ac in my window and i am kinda straped for space so i dont think i would be able to make room for a standing ac. all i use is small 6 inch fans i have to circulate and cool air. because i was worried about heat on the 400w i got an 8 inch fan with a clamp, im going to either have this pointing out an outlet hole toward the top of my area or have it right up next to the light. either way ill have outlet holes in the top of the area maybe in 2 spots and then some inlet holes on the bottom, maybe 4 or so. i have my mother and a 6 plant drip tote in my area and i will always have one fan on the ground blowing new air up at my mother and into the room, i will have one fan with my clones in the drip tote to keep them cool and airated and then i will have one fan one the light only and then another pointing out of one of the outlet holes near the top. sorry if im kinda dragging on but i figured since we have the same basic area and problem we could maybe help eachother out. n e way. thats my plan for getting air moving through my area and helping cool my lamp.

think this might help?
Yea bro sure do appreciate it. Have you all ever thought about LED panels at all? I just seen some pretty impressive grows with them on youtube and was justa wonderin... Thanx again:weed: