A little help with seeds


Active Member
Hey all, I've got some seeds trying to germ now in paper towel. Got one split put it in rockwool cube, and put it in plastic container with saran wrap w/ holes on top. Then I set it on heated tile floor. Should I have a fl light on it? How moist should it be? And is the heat good right now?
Thanks in advance for any and all advice?

p.s. how long will I be a stranger?


Active Member
Also whats the best condition for the other seeds in paper towel? Right now they are on the heated floor. Should they be under light or in the dark? Temp?


Active Member
i think a little water and it should be good.
as for the heated floor, i would try to get some over head lighting.
as soon as it sprouts above the soil.
its on and ready.
good luck.