A little help with my white widow (2nd week flowering), please!


Active Member
Hi everyone. 6 weeks ago I planted my first babies, 2 white widow and 1 durban poison, all feminized. Its week two since flowering and im a bit worried, it looks to me like the trichs are turning a bit yellow and dont look so healthy. Of course, this is my first time so i could be wrong. Could you please help, ill upload a few pictures, do you they look alright? This is the top of the ww but they all look like this. Thanks a lot.



Active Member
Thank you for the answers :) English is not my 1st language so when it comes to mj's plant parts im not sure which is which, in english. I dont know if trichs is correct, i meant the "urchis"-like top, all the urchis seems to be burnt, dry. The pictures i uploaded dont look like the real thing because of the flash and the light so i will try to take some more in half hour, when i turn off the hps light inside the grow closet and can reach the plant better. They seems so fragile and im thinking that the heat or the light could cause some burning. If thats the case maybe its not too late to stop the damage (if damage is being done). Hope i will get the same possitive answers after the next set of pictures. Thanks again :)


Active Member
Ok, so here are the pictures. After turning off the hps i can see that the urchis are not so damaged, they tend to be yellowish because of the hps light. But the plants do have a problem, some leaves are curbed and dont look so good... Maybe its because of the nutrient, im using some stuff i bought at a local store, but i had doubts about it even when i bought it. I only added itonce to the water, i will not add it anymore, i think that could be the problem.



Well-Known Member
are you sure thats not a bug problem? the damaged leaves look more like somethings been eating them than a nutrient problem

the buds(urchis) look fine to me. how long have your plants been flowering?


Active Member
There are no bugs inside the grow closet, at least none that i can see. :confused:We're in two weeks flowering, do you think they dont look as they should after two weeks of flowering? I kept them one month in veg
The problem with the leaves started right after watering the plants, i added the nutes at night and in the morning the leaves were like this. The light is a bit close indeed, like 30 cm from the top of the plant but didnt affect them so far... anyways, I moved the light a little higher so hopefully it will be ok. Thanks again.


Active Member
i find that from time to time on some leaves, but i dont have a bug problem either.

Look under the leaves for any bugs or eggs of some sort, if u find nothing and still worried spray the leaves top and under with water not driping but just get em moist.


Well-Known Member
There are no bugs inside the grow closet, at least none that i can see. :confused:We're in two weeks flowering, do you think they dont look as they should after two weeks of flowering? I kept them one month in veg
The problem with the leaves started right after watering the plants, i added the nutes at night and in the morning the leaves were like this. The light is a bit close indeed, like 30 cm from the top of the plant but didnt affect them so far... anyways, I moved the light a little higher so hopefully it will be ok. Thanks again.

it may be something other than a bug problem that was just my guess. they look good for 2 weeks.

also if you stick your hand where the top of the plants are under your lights after they have been on for a while, is it hot?

thats usually a good way to test if your lights are too close


Active Member
Is it ok to spray the leaves when in flowering? I used to do that when in veg, with clean water but now i dont do it anymore, from what i've read its not good, it washes away all the good stuff :) I just checked the leaves and they look alright... When I stick my hand there its not too hot, its not hot at all so i guess its alright. Maybe its the nutes, the one that i bought is really, really cheap and i think that was the problem. Im in Europe and is hard to get a really good fertilizer... All i've found is this one: http://www.formulaflora.com/index.php?session=0cc65f86d67eb73a956ecad0a33d2dc6 and havent seen any reviews for it or at least the NPK. si im not buying.. Anyone who knows a good fertilizer that can be delivered in Europe?


Well-Known Member
Looks sweet. Are you referring to pistils? Pistils are the hairs you can easily see with the naked eye starting out white and becoming well depends on the strain. Trichromes are the resin glands and you can see traces of it with the naked eye but best examined with handheld microscopes after 6 week in flowering.


Well-Known Member
Is it ok to spray the leaves when in flowering? I used to do that when in veg, with clean water but now i dont do it anymore, from what i've read its not good, it washes away all the good stuff :) I just checked the leaves and they look alright... When I stick my hand there its not too hot, its not hot at all so i guess its alright. Maybe its the nutes, the one that i bought is really, really cheap and i think that was the problem. Im in Europe and is hard to get a really good fertilizer... All i've found is this one: http://www.formulaflora.com/index.php?session=0cc65f86d67eb73a956ecad0a33d2dc6 and havent seen any reviews for it or at least the NPK. si im not buying.. Anyone who knows a good fertilizer that can be delivered in Europe?

what country in europe are you in?


Active Member
calicat, thanks for the reply, i'll remember, pistils, pistils :)

The leaves are still a little damaged and im hoping this will not spread to other leaves... The nutes is stilla problem, this is week 3 and I dont have any nutes. All I add to the water is H2O2.

icepik, I'm in Eastern Europe, i dont want to write the country here, a little paranoid about it :-? We have nothing, nutes only for tomatoes, daisies and such. It worked ok in the veg period, I used something imported from France, NPK 6.4.5 but now i cant find anything for flowering, with some NPK that comes close to what i should add to the water. I tried something with 3.5, 7.5, 7,5, the only thing i could find closer to the flowering ratio and i think this affected the plant, they looked wonderful before this episode. Shipping from US is very expensive when possible but most of times, when i decide i want to buy something, all i get is this: We're sorry. This item can't be shipped to your selected destination.



Active Member
I have found BioBizz Bio-Bloom and TopMax on ebay in uk that available for a lot of countries, including mine. Anyone used this? Which one is better for flowering stage, I dont know which one to buy...


Active Member
I should be receiving them both within one week... Hope it will be ok. Thanks for the help, icepick :)