a little help pls


Well-Known Member
I don't wanna throw a monkey wrench at all the advice u just got but here's what I would do:
Don't transplant...I don't think u have the experience for transplanting seedlings
Perlite makes soil drain faster and allows O2 to get around the roots which is essential but mix it in on ur next grow...not this one
Those plants will only be in those pots until you repot into larger ones...correct? Try three gallon pots
Idk how hot it is under those cfl's but it looks like the seedlings are a little too close. Seedlings don't need much light energy to grow. In nature they grow under the shadows of other things which protects them from too much light energy. Try moving them away from the source a little bit and wait a few days...look for any changes. Don't fertilize at all until the seedlings are a few weeks old at least, then ONLY sparingly. And at very weak rates.
Lastly, I don't think you are overwatering much if at all because the pic only shows moist soil, there's no way to tell when it was watered from a pic. Overwatering at the seedling stage provides opportunistic diseases like pythium a place to grow and it is fatal
See the link about it



Well-Known Member
Photo2.jpgPhoto4.jpgPhoto3.jpgPhoto1.jpgGuys, a little update, here some pics, no improvements =(
I stopped watering from 2 days ago, and transplanted them with a mix of sand, so it can dry faster. Also bought a big big Fan, also changed the 60watts CFL 4000k to a 26watts 6500k.

They look so stunned =/, help!!!


Well-Known Member
I am guessing they are a bit shocked. Let the soil almost dry, then water. They should bounce back in a few days. If not, you learned what not to do :p


Well-Known Member
Lol, I have a seedling i'm messing around with doing 12/12 from seed with all my other plants.. i've knocked it over like four-five times and transplanted it twice and it's still kicking. give them some time :O

edit- knocked over as in completely knocked the pot over + all the soil inside with the plant laying there.