a little help please


im reposting this because i got no response in newbie section, a little help would be nice

ok so i did some research and found some answer's, actually i found to many of them. here is a list of ?'s with possible correct answer already in them, i found way to many different answers for all these question's so im hoping some PROFESSIONAL OR EXPERIENCED growers could help me out.

Also some questions just asking for your opinions/suggestions...............thank you in advance, please only helpfull answer's negtive comments i dont need.
...okay here they go.

1-what ph water should i soak my rockwool cubes for cloning/germination......i came up with (cloning 7.0ph/germination 5.5)?

2-when watering plants in soil based medium what should the ph be with/without nutrients in the water resivoir...........i came up with(with nutrients 5.9-6.5ph, without nutrients 6.5-7.0)

3-when checking the ph of runoff water of my soil based medium i looking for a ph of............i came up with (6.5-7.0)

4-when watering young clones grown in rockwool that have been transplated to soil based medium what should my ph be?.........i came up with(one hundred million different answer's, but im thinking same as #3 6.5-7.0)

5-i hear dolomite lime is a good way to stabilize the ph in a soil based medium?

...........ah i have more ?'s but im too stoned rite now....so yeah as you can tell im a bit confused as to what the ph should be at different stages of plant growth, i understand some basic's but i would like to know exactly what im looking for when the time comes, instead of just guessing which opinion online is correct. yes ?'s are a bit general but im just looking for general answers.



it seems that a lot of ppl believe its easyer than soil for cloning and germinating, do you know of any good blogs or whatever about cloning and germinating in soil?