A little help for a first timer

Dank Bongula

Well-Known Member
Atleast another week...keep watching for pistils to recede, pick off the cat hair lol and keep it healthy...looking very nice!


Well-Known Member
Get a Jewelers loop
Don't go by hair color you'll end up with sub par smoke. No sense in wasting 10 weeks.

Dank Bongula

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice Dank, what do you mean by watching for the pistils to recede ?
The calyx will swell a bit more at the end of its life so the pistils look shorter and will begin to curl back on themselves as well...the top cola shows this happening a little already. If that were mine I would give it one more week to look for these changes further down, but if you're in need, you would not be disappointed with where it is now.

If you want a closer look at the trichomes, get a 30 or 60x jewelers loupe or a USB microscope and check them right there on the calyx.
Aloha my brother Dank, will definitely wait longer on her sister. Got a jewelers loupe and definitely makes your comments more understandable. The loupe is freaking cool I wasn't in need, just the typical first timer. I will send pics of her sister plant hmmm whenever. LOL Thanks again for taking the time to help. Peace Love Joy my friend.
Hello friends, just cut her sister down and hanging out to dry. Couple more weeks and she will be ready for my smoking pleasure. Trichomes are milky white with a few turning red here and there. Thanks bunches Dank, will keep you posted. The jewelers loupe made all the difference in the world. Sweetness

