A letter from a former NYC fireman and former marine to Sen. Harry Reid ...


New Member

Mr. Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader (D),

I cannot adequately explain my disappointment at the comments made by you today; "The war is lost". It is inconceivable that someone in your position could be so irresponsible and ignorant of the fallout from those words.

With our troops overseas, on the front lines, putting themselves between your family and the terrorist extremists, you have cheered on the enemy and surely the video tape of your comments will be found at every terrorist camp and referenced by every terrorist group for the eternity of mankind. Your words have "tangibly" aided and given comfort to the enemy, in that such a high political figure in the Government of our great Country has conceded defeat to terrorism. You are a disgrace to every American, irregardless of political belief or religious background.

Your comments would have demoralized a less disciplined military.

Fortunately, the military men and women on the battlefields far from home, protecting you and your families interests, are not cowards or quitters (as you are). We don't train our military that way. Thank God you did not hold such a high office during other difficult and defining moments in the history of our country.

You have given the enemy reason to rejoice, reason to continue the fight and reason to step up their violence not just in Iraq, but all over the world. You have given the enemy "hope". You have pointed them to light at the end of the tunnel. Congratulations.

For several years Saddam Hussein stood there ignoring U.N. resolutions, pushing his finger forward in his jacket pocket as if to say "stick-em up". We responded to the "threat" and it turns out that we didn't find a gun in his pocket. He was a murderer that placed no value on human life. The world is a better place without him.

On September 11, 2001, another group of people showed the world that they place no value on human life. If these terrorists had it their way, we would all be dead. Terrorists do not want to "rule" us or "enslave" us. They want to kill us. All of us. For no reason. Sound familiar? Ask a Holocaust survivor what that feels like.

Iraq could be described as decent people who have suffered under an evil regime. We are trying to help them. You have single handedly undermined that effort. You have also unwittingly caused severe damage to the Democratic party, for surely there are innumerable Democrats that have served, and do serve, in the military, and there are millions of Democrats that don’t believe in quitting or surrendering to evil. In your position as a spokesperson for Democrats, your party will suffer in 2008 for your irresponsible and ignorant comments.

For any person that believes America puts its nose where it doesn't belong, or that we violate human rights, the litmus test for me, is when people stop trying to "kill" themselves to immigrate here. That's when I will start questioning what kind of country I'm living in. Even after all the wars, the dropping of bombs, etc, we can't accommodate the influx of immigration into our great Country. The "proof" stands before you. This is the greatest Country in the world and people from every walk of life and every background, race, creed, color and sex know it and want to be here in this country.

Mr. Reid, I don’t know what you were thinking. Please resign.




New Member
we invaded the wrong country and as a result, millions of lives are turned upside down, terrorism is on the rise and hundreds of thousands are dead.

it's this simple: there is no honor in this war, even if it were 'won' tomorrow...whatever that might mean.