A Legit Online Pharmacy

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Well-Known Member
:leaf:Hey Fellow RollitUp'ers,

Ive been browsing the internet looking, but havnt come across what I'm looking for, and hopefully someone here can give me a hand :clap:
I understand the risks of purchasing prescriptions online. So I'm not looking for an answer like "stick to weed" or "just goto ur doctor" im not trying to be a douche bag by saying this, but... if i wanted the counciling, id speak to a councilor or doctor, but anyways, thank you for your concern...

I'm looking to purchase a Xanex or Valium prescription online without a script written by a doctor. Can someone here help me out by sending me a link to a site that will do that?

As i said..all im looking for is a link to a website or something along those lines. I am NOT looking to get counciled about the awarness of drugs. I understand the risks... and as i said...I JUST NEED A SITE.

Thanx to anyone who can help...
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