A leaf just tore...

Green Side

Active Member
I have a two-week old plant in a cup, and I was moving it from one spot to another, and one of its leaves must have snagged on something, because the next moment i see one of it's leaves are torn about 3 centimeters across. It was one of the second-pair of leaves. Will this cause any problems? Stunt growth? Anything I can do to help?

Edit: FUCK, I guess I didn't inspect it enough, because now I see about 2 more leaves were torn, 1 almost completely off. Shit, will it be okay?


Well-Known Member
WHAT!? hurry up and get some glue!!!! glue it now!!!!

j/k bud.... leave it, shell be alright.. just dont let it happen again or you'll be sittin in timeout

Green Side

Active Member
I just went back out and checked my plants, and it looks like there are actually 3 leaves that got torn, 1 completely off, will it be okay...? =(


Well-Known Member
its all good bro!!

did you know that you could completely be-head a plant and use cellu-tape to keep it alive still??? bet ya didnt... but now ya do