A How to from Mane**(How To order seeds the best way)***


Well-Known Member
ok so i found some seeds i like on the verry first post you made. its the first link there. when you go to pick your shipping you have the option of standard shipping or stealth shipping. whats the diff. is the standard goin to come with somekinda marijuana sign on it or somethin? or is this just a way to get an extra $5 out of me


Well-Known Member
i think standard they just send the seeds in their original package right? and stealth they repackage them in somethin else..


Well-Known Member
i dunno about the repackage. attitude sends in original packages. if you get repackage it could be a sign that they arent' the seeds you order. they could be anything!


Well-Known Member
Oh Attitude, I thought you were talking about the first link I listed.

Attitude doesn't repackage at all.


Well-Known Member
i ordered from dr. chronic almost a whole month ago and have yet to receive. i emailed and asked him but he hasn't responded. should i be concerned? start looking elsewhere?


Well-Known Member
i ordered from dr. chronic almost a whole month ago and have yet to receive. i emailed and asked him but he hasn't responded. should i be concerned? start looking elsewhere?
nevermind... he emailed me saying that i guess they don't use amex cards. good customer service the doc has


New Member
i orderd 4rm seed bqoutie last weeks..got them this week..very stealth shipping,fast turn around..this was my fist order..i got ak48..im glad i went with seedbouqtiue..they got the cheaoest prioces ANYWHERE and they actually are very reliable


Well-Known Member
i orderd 4rm seed bqoutie last weeks..got them this week..very stealth shipping,fast turn around..this was my fist order..i got ak48..im glad i went with seedbouqtiue..they got the cheaoest prioces ANYWHERE and they actually are very reliable
r u in the U.S?

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
I agree with you Crazy......seed boutique is the shit. My BB Blue Cheese Fem got to me in 10 days. I'm in the same area as you are. They also gave me 5 free Mazar.....what about you?


Well-Known Member
i orderd 4rm seed bqoutie last weeks..got them this week..very stealth shipping,fast turn around..this was my fist order..i got ak48..im glad i went with seedbouqtiue..they got the cheaoest prioces ANYWHERE and they actually are very reliable

I just went to check out that site, since it seems that
you recommend them? I was looking around, and some of
the orders don't say how many seeds come in the pack?
and they don't tell you about the potency or yeild of the

why not? maybe I am not seeing them. This isn't
so I can order, just so I can know for future

ooh, nevermind. found it. thanks for sharing!!!