A hermie crossed to a Female both different breeds produces ?


Hi fellow inmates , Is it true ......Original female turned (stressed ) to a hermie crossed with a diff female breed produces all female seeds ? And if so which one (plant ) carries the feminized ones ?.... Peace and Happy to be here cheers


Active Member
im not claming to be a expert on the subject...

but i dont see how it would make herm prone children... stressing the female into a herm didnt alter its genetic code.. it was a outside force that caused it to react as such..there fore the children shouldnt be affected by it... thats like saying, if you top a plant to have 4 main cola, stress it, and pollinate it with another 4 cola female.. the children will have 4 main cola untopped... it doesnt work like that


Active Member
im not claming to be a expert on the subject...

but i dont see how it would make herm prone children... stressing the female into a herm didnt alter its genetic code.. it was a outside force that caused it to react as such..there fore the children shouldnt be affected by it... thats like saying, if you top a plant to have 4 main cola, stress it, and pollinate it with another 4 cola female.. the children will have 4 main cola untopped... it doesnt work like that
If you managed to get your plant to hemy, it means that it carries genes responsible for producing hermaphoridite plants. While the chances of getting hermy plants don't rise when making pollinated seeds, the hermy genes from the pollen donor plant will be passed on to the offspring, making them EQUALLY susceptible to hermying on you as the pollen donor was. Some very stable strains are very hard to get to hermy (like the original Cheese pheno of Skunk#1) others are much easier...


Active Member
Also, if anyone is trying to get feminized seeds, I recommend the silver colloid method, as that is supposed to be a stress-free way of getting your plant to hermy, meaning it can be done with some hard-to-feminze strains. It also means that if a stable strain is used for this type of pollination, the offspring should be pretty much hermy-free.


Well-Known Member
female seeds and herm seeds just like the parent, and it will be a Herm- prone hybrid.
^ This.

if you grow 2 Female plants (True females (XX(xx) and use Colodial silver to force one to produce male flowers the seeds will ALL be true females (XX(xx).

BUT, like indicaman said when you breed a Hermie female (XX(yx) to a True female (XX(xx) the seeds will ALL be hybrid hermie prone females, some of them will be true females and some of them will be hermie females.

Also, if anyone is trying to get feminized seeds, I recommend the silver colloid method, as that is supposed to be a stress-free way of getting your plant to hermy, meaning it can be done with some hard-to-feminze strains. It also means that if a stable strain is used for this type of pollination, the offspring should be pretty much hermy-free.
^ The colodial silver method is the only currently known method of producing fem seeds with no hermie. SOMA has a method called Rodelization, but its VERY hard to master....


Well Gentlemen thank you , All i can add is that both plants were in same room BUT the humidity and heat were very HIGH forcing the so called Mexican i rec'd from fellow grower to turn slightly hermie , my female was a afgani crossed skunk both breeds from other growers in Oz as clones i rec'd . I am now happy to search the afgani breed i have for a new strain . Seeds are popping as we chat and i will flower asap to see what monster 's i have created . Any one have any idea on how many diff types i would produce from the seeds ? A ball park figure would do me ......lol Thank you all again Luv this site cheers and Peace .

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Well, i thought this thread had some merit, so i decided to germinate 25 of my Selfed herm seeds, basically a plant i had(bred myself) that showed balls under 100+ degree temps and high stress whom self pollinated have made it almost perfect germination results of 24/25 with the 1 lame duck being killed since it was kinda weak and runt. so i should know in 8 weeks+ if these selfed plants from a herm will actually produce more hermaphrodites under the same conditions, my opinion= of course they will. now 4 days old, i plan on germinating another 25 in 2 days, within a week i should have close to 40-45 of these S1's going straight into 12/12. the strain i made (Fruit auto x Jillybean) was good smoke on the non-hermaphrodites so maybe this will yield good results but my view is that they will turn out to be shit.

in all honesty, they are suprising me to no end since i've kinda left them outside in some cups to fend for themselves or die, its like 50-60 degrees outside during the day and 30-40 degrees farenheit at night and they are showing only signs of purpling but still growing albeit at a slower pace, i figure, if they make it they will be in veg for 5 months before they start flowering and should produce rediculous yields, i am going to cull the herms and keep the good plants. some of these may autoflower since they have the auto genes in them, although it is a selfed plant?(it required both parents to have the auto gene, and a selfed plant falls under the category of "both parents" i suppose)


Well-Known Member
i did that 3 years ago. a plant hermied and infected 2 other plants with pollen.

i figured, "awesome! now i have a ton of seeds, and worst case ill just pluck nanners as they grow in"

well.. it wasn't awesome. all the future plants from those seeds herm'd at the first sign of stress. it almost seemed like if i sneezed in the room, it meant hermies.

the herm thing is 100% a gene that can be passed down to future seed generations, and should be avoided.

there are ways to make feminized seeds with out using hermie pollen.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
I am growing some hermie seeds right now (22 of them made it this far outdoors since early april) and since all were "female" i though i was safe but no- i got 3 who showed Balls presexing, from a "fem seed" made by a herm. so i figure, if the parents are unstable then the offspring will be too- breeding with herms produces more herms, that is how nature works without the hand of human interference.

i tossed about 20 of them because some were weak or had bad smell similar to dill pickles and grapefruit.

the remainders smell similar to orange and pine or orange skunk. some are velvet skunk. have a pheno that smells just like watermellon its not funny, i'm guessing this would be the best plant to choose but none have shown hairs or sex yet at 4 1/2 weeks...

i have a few female preflower showing plants, but the ones i like the best, smell the strongest but do not show sex yet? i thought i saw hairs on a bunch but i am always looking for balls, only a matter of time before those with the traits expressed all show themselves and let me pick from my favorite ladies....

3 females (shown sex) have a strong Tangerine/Orange skunk smell from the jillybean male used to make the f1, they have weak hollow stems and super crop easily, trichomes are on the leaves on a few plants but these are the keepers so far, figures 3-10 keepers out of nearly 50 seeds, but it wouldn't suprise me if they smoke better than mom(she was probably 100% seeded) since she hardly had any trichomes.


Well-Known Member
^ This.

if you grow 2 Female plants (True females (XX(xx) and use Colodial silver to force one to produce male flowers the seeds will ALL be true females (XX(xx).

BUT, like indicaman said when you breed a Hermie female (XX(yx) to a True female (XX(xx) the seeds will ALL be hybrid hermie prone females, some of them will be true females and some of them will be hermie females.

^ The colodial silver method is the only currently known method of producing fem seeds with no hermie. SOMA has a method called Rodelization, but its VERY hard to master....
Not exactly true there is also the silver Thiosulfate method I recently did some research on producing feminize seeds & apparently the pros uses an even newer technique than colloidal silver who apparently very rarely produce hermaphrodites. Here's what i found on how to do the thing. Up to now i got 100 % females out of this method.

silver Thiosulfate :
Prepare a 0.1 M Sodium Thiosulfate
(STS) stock solution by dissolving 1.58 g of Sodium Thiosulfate into 100 ml of steam water. Prepare a 0.1 M Silver Nitrate stock solution by dissolving 1.7 g of Silver Nitrate into 100 ml of steam water. Store the stock solution in the dark until needed to prepare the STS.
In general the STS is prepared with a molar ratio between silver and thiosulfate of 1:4, respectively. Nearly all the silver present in the solution is in form of [Ag(S2O3)2]3-, the active complex for ethylene effect inhibition.
Prepare a 0.02 M STS by slowly pouring 20 ml of 0.1 M silver nitrate stock solution into 80 ml of 0.1 M sodium thiosulfate stock solution. The STS can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a month. However, preparation of the STS just prior to use is recommended

Ho by the way colloidal silver also work very well i tried it successfully many times too but apparently silver thiosulfate as less hermaphrodites incidence.

Stressing a proven female also work. In that case you will want to select the one that was the toughest to turn sex as an ideal parent. her offspring will be female at almost 100%

conor c

Well-Known Member
Breeding with hermies just means you gonna get more herms as nevil said hermies begets more hermies