A good watering will save u slot of greif


Well-Known Member
After last 3weeks I've been pondering over why plant leaves were going yellow and dropping off, aswell as a few other issues. So last week I decided to repot the plants as maybe thought it was pot pound. When I emptied the pot to transplant it was really dry in the middle, that's when I realised I wasn't watering them enough.
So after getting all the plants potted, I doubled the water and 99% of probs have gone. I was relaying on putting my finger an inch or 2 down the soil, but that's no good if it's dry in the middle.
Now I water vigoursly and my leaves have all straightened back up, no more yellowing of new leaves so far.
Be generous with water, ur plant will let u know if ur over watering.
Just thought is share. I see slot of posts like probes I had. Should always make that number one solution for certain symptoms.


Active Member
i agree. Dont be afraid of over watering if you are only watering every 4 days or so but do give them a good watering just to make sure all of the roots are moist. make sure your pots have good drainage!


Well-Known Member
So true I thought about this the other day. Thanks for pointing it out in a thread.

And underwatering in flower WILL lead to slow bud growth/ leaves drying up..
I Water by weight not the finger method anymore


Well-Known Member
sometimes its the simplest of things that we forget. Thanx for the reminder. Im the same way, maybe not enough water sometimes..


Well-Known Member
I seem to have a problem with my veg tent, seems to hot, I need to water once a day, sometimes every 2days, just size of pots I guess. Gonna make a new thread, how often, and what hertz do u use?