A good cycle ?

I just wanted to know if any one could tell me a different cycle, mine is good but there is no right way to grow is there so i wanted to try a new cycle for these nutrients, canna rhizotonic, canna A n B, for veg, for flower im using bud blood then canna boost n big bud an then overdrive to finish off 10 plants under a 600 watt cool tube and fan and filter ect. do you reckon that's enough light if i lower it.

if i have wrote in the wrong place my bad


I'm not enough of an expert to say one way or the other, but I have just a few plants on my balcony I put under lights in the evening while vegging and give them direct sunlight all day. For nutrients I give a tad of 16-16-16 when vegging with a few tablespoons of raw fish blood mixed in my water can every couple of weeks. I add some rock shavings to the soil and give the rain water. Thats about it until flowering and then I give one tablespoon of a flowering fert 2 weeks into my 12/12 cycle and thats it. Bit a black strap mollasses towards the end and thats all I do. I don't go too crazy with the nutrients. I'm finding less is more.
do you use 2k for more light? you reckon a 600 watt should still be rite for 9 or 10 plants? the weather is shocking here i would love to live in america is that were you are growing out door i use a 1.2 x 1.2 x 12 tent going to get a bigger one soon tho no 1 no a cycle for using the nutes i am using then? i mean by how much i feed i am growing UK cheese how long would you say to veg from cuttings and how long flower


Active Member
do you use 2k for more light? you reckon a 600 watt should still be rite for 9 or 10 plants? the weather is shocking here i would love to live in america is that were you are growing out door i use a 1.2 x 1.2 x 12 tent going to get a bigger one soon tho no 1 no a cycle for using the nutes i am using then? i mean by how much i feed i am growing UK cheese how long would you say to veg from cuttings and how long flower
Up to 4, maybe 5 plants I use 1000 watts. Up to 10 plants I use 2 lights. 3 lights can handle about 15. anything over that I run 4000 watts. That is the way that I grow, everyone has their own opinion. I say grow a few and see how you feel about spacing. I like to be able to get in and see what's going on. If there is an issue I can catch it before it becomes a big deal. I also do a perpetual grow so those numbers are not set in stone. I may have 6 or 8 smaller plants under 1 light for a while but I try to make sure I have sufficient room to space them out as they grow.