a FUCKED UP FACT! You want to cut down on your cannabis intake? 100% foolproof method!

sorry, just re read your post. please ignore mine.

not sure if you smoke less the more you have, but when you dont have to worry where the next lot is comming from, i found i smoked less. and saved a shit load of money.
when i was younger, it was who could smoke more was the most popular person for some strange and fucked up reason.
i still come across this today, if you can smoke without whiteing out, your in with the in crowd of smokers.

then you grow up and learn to enjoy smoking and smokeing for the pleasure of it.

ive had a 15yr hiatus from weed, i was having serious panic attacks and bouts of paranoia. but i was tempted back when i first read about CBD strains and the effects it produced. now im a happy smoker again.
aparantly, it only takes a few days for your canabinoid recepters to reset back to minimal tollerance.
im now going to start microdoseing the higher thc strains and see how it go's
That's not fair!

Has anyone seen a Karen? I seek justice but I'm way too lazy to do more than this.

Karen is a pejorative term for a woman seeming to be entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is normal. The term also refers to memes depicting white women who use their privilege to demand their own way.
is this what your looking for??
Sounds soiless...maybe try soil and give ur self some more to to enjoy the fruits of your labor...
Yup soilless (of course). I said that I started to REALLY grow. I know you can grow monster's in soil too, but my hydo is giving me 2 to 3 x what I got in soil (well coco)

I can't go back, I've got too much money and time put in to it. I actually think , when I used soil, I spent almost as much time, if you count watering 10 plants 2 times a day., draining the run off, reusing the coco.

I'm always fiddling with something now, changing the water in 2 res weekly and filtering RO in, and I have to defoliate some plants almost daily, or else the get outta control fast with the 3" DWCW :)

I could grow fewer plants, but that's like driving your Ferrari only in school zones....