a FUCKED UP FACT! You want to cut down on your cannabis intake? 100% foolproof method!


Well-Known Member
Start growing the shit!

No not 1 plant,( (anyone here really do that?) Shit where its legal to grow most people have 5 to 100 times more))

I know what I was spending here to buy it, so I know what I was using. Ever since I started REALLY growing (2 tents, that's it) I now have MJ piling up that I'll probably basically give away.

The amount of time I have to spend, and if I don't everything gets screwed up, and you get nadda. I'm too tired to enjoy, a few puffs and I'm ZZZZZZ.
Plus after 2 years of this- the money I spent, I could have gotten high 10 x more for the next 10 years....HOW FUCKED UP IS THAT?!?!?!?!?
and there was i, expecting some microdoseing info.
sounds like you need to cut down on the chemicals you are obviously smokeing with your weed.
Start growing the shit!

No not 1 plant,( (anyone here really do that?) Shit where its legal to grow most people have 5 to 100 times more))

I know what I was spending here to buy it, so I know what I was using. Ever since I started REALLY growing (2 tents, that's it) I now have MJ piling up that I'll probably basically give away.

The amount of time I have to spend, and if I don't everything gets screwed up, and you get nadda. I'm too tired to enjoy, a few puffs and I'm ZZZZZZ.
Plus after 2 years of this- the money I spent, I could have gotten high 10 x more for the next 10 years....HOW FUCKED UP IS THAT?!?!?!?!?

herb stays good for a long time if cured well. even longer if you make your extra into hash.

nothing wrong with taking a break from growing especially if you are stocked up. just keep a small light on for your moms and chill for a bit.

I did that for the last few months to give myself a break and have a fresh start