A Forum by Region?


I don't know if anyone else would be interested but I've been trying to look for members and post's that are "in my neck of the woods". Some might be paranoid to state the general location but it would be cool to see what others are doing near me, strains grown, where the seed/clone came from (bag,bank or buddy) local favorites for outdoors or inside, tips and tricks for specific areas weather/conditions, fav shops/local deals, stuff like that. i'm in southern new england and i'm sure there is a lot of small(er) scale grows going on all around me. Again I don't know how much interest there may be but i think it'd be cool. something vague like northeast, southeast, midwest, northwest, southwest and south, ever thought about it? or is it here and i'm too stupid to find it?


Well-Known Member
Very good idea, I think. I'm in the southeast myself and it would be cool to see what other folks around here are doing.


Россию снова настигли погодные аномалии. В Коми выпал ранний снег за весь период метеонаблюдений. Это произошло почти на три недели раньше срока. В Воркутинском районе высота снежного покрова достигла 4 сантиметров. Власти оказались совершенно не готовы к отопительному сезону._________________________________Книги подари ребенкукниги сынукниги картакниги детскиедетские магазины


Well-Known Member
I personally think if we had regional forums it would be a bad idea. Would separate the community more.

The way it is now is good because we all hang out in the same place...mostly.