A few ?'s for the Heisenberg Tea users.


Well-Known Member
I've read a GOOD portion of the sticky, but I have a few questions:
What is the best course of action when growing a Hempy (Perlite) system? I already have a slime problem, and in the thread Heis' says to use Physan 20 to soak the root system, then remove dead roots. I don't have this option. Should I just not use the P20 since I wont be able to remove the rotted matter?
I have slime in my feed/return lines. Will the tea "coat" the lines and inhibit growth? Should I up the innoculant dose to account for it?
Thanks for your time, guys. I'm willing to give this a shot, since the Al B Fuct h2o2 method isn't working for me.


Active Member
Sorry but is your situation I can't vouch for much, but I would vouch for bleach any day. Wondering how people are doing that with the hempy method???


Well-Known Member
Sorry but is your situation I can't vouch for much, but I would vouch for bleach any day. Wondering how people are doing that with the hempy method???
Thanks anyways, man. I just flooded my pots with DM Zone today, so hopefully that'll help out. I'm kinda leery on the bleach water deal. If the Zone doesnt help I'll try the Bleach or Bennies next week haha. How much Bleach do you dose?


Active Member
25 gallon system, an I use 3ml daily. Forget the math, search bleach on the site. I'll need to adjust soon to as my system is going to change, but I gotta tell you I dosed every day and had no problems. Rex temps 80 at some points


Well-Known Member
Yea I've read about the bleach before, just not proper dosing procedures. I've been using h2o2 because I'm a Al B Fuct fan (who says not to use bleach or bennies), but it's just not workin for me. I'm open to new options now haha. My rez temps stay at 70-72max, but my feed/return lines accumulate the pythium, because they run into my tent which is naturally warmer. My rez doesn't have anything foaming/forming, but the rot migrates pretty fast. I believe the only reason my plants are still alive is 'cuz they're in perlite, and get watered every 6 hours so they dry out pretty well, inhibiting the rot


Well-Known Member
Prevention is the answer. I never had any luck getting rid of the slime once it was established.I found that keeping the temps down is the best thing to do preventing the problem in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Prevention is the answer. I never had any luck getting rid of the slime once it was established.I found that keeping the temps down is the best thing to do preventing the problem in the first place.
^True dat. My temp in my rez was 70 max, but my feed/return lines were warm, which is where the rot war being harbored. It got swept into the rez, but didn't go crazy there due to the h202 treatments.
DM Zone did the trick for me.