A Few quick questions on CFL and general indoor growing.


Active Member
I have put a few post on the newbie page but this is my first thread so firstly hi to you all.

This is my first grow and i am growing The Joint Doctors - LOWRYDER seeds.

Bit of info on lowryder
((This unique variety will dramatically expand the range of possibilities for aspiring, amateur and professional Cannabis growers and breeders. Aptly named for its low profile (both literally and
figuratively), Lowryder was developed for extreme rapid growth (8-9 weeks from seed to bud!), uniquely short height (will grow no taller than 12 in!), and amazing versatility. Passing directly from the seedling to the flowering
stage, Lowryder altogether does away with the vegetative growth stage. ))

I have germinated 5 of my 10 seeds with 100% success.

They have been in their pots for 8 days now and all is going well.

I stared of with them in my windowsill but have now built a very small grow box of about 2 square feet.

I am using low power CFL lighting. - 20watt compact fluorescent bulbs give off 1200 lumens each.They push out 400 lumens per inch of bulb surface.

I have 2 bulbs .20w blue spectrum 6400k cfl (best suited for veg growth).
and 1 20w red spectrum 2700k cfl (best suited for bud growth).

I am currently using the 6400k cfl light as obviously they not in the budding stage but after reading a summary of the lowryder seed it say the DONT have a veg stage.

So question 1 - which bulb should i be using?
Question 2 - a) how important are fans?
b) how often and at what stage should i be using them?
Question 3- what stage will they start to stink out my room?

and 4 my friend has asked me to ask at what age do they start producing thc.



Well-Known Member
1. Go get some real lights. Those puny things will only be able to raise one plant... maybe.

2. Yes, fans are very important. It circulates the air, keeps heat down, etc. I have never shut my fans off.... ever.

3. It's gonna stink when you get the buds, but proper circulation and venting will keep it to a minimum.

Good luck, you'll need it.


Well-Known Member
agree with plasma... for 5 plants you're gonna want a whole lot more light. If you want to stick with CFL you'll want several of them, and the higher wattage output the better. Remember - you can't have enough light. Also, don't be suprised if you start to get the smell early on in vegging.


Well-Known Member
1. Plasma is right on target in the previous post
2. Fans also help strengthen the stems to help in the support of large buds.
3. It doesn't matter, you need to be ready now.
4. Marijuana produces THC throughout the entire plant, but most is concentrated in the flowers when you switch to 12/12.


Active Member
thanks all, unfortunately don't have the money to spend on better expensive lamps and i forgot to state that i'm only using these lamps until the plants are big enough and the weathers good enough for them to go outside, so the cfl will just have to do for now and seems to be working fine at the moment.
il try and fan them as much as i can can but will be tricky as i am living with my parents but i will try and get a fan on them for 1-2 hours a day , which i know isnt ideal but will have to do for now, any way dont need a huge yield as for personal use only.