a few questions

ok i want to start growing cannabis and i have i few questions:

1.i got my seeds from a med-grade weed, they will grow slower or something like that?

2. arent they too small?

3. i want to grow this 1 plant in my closet and i live in my parants house, will they smell it?


Active Member
they might work, worth a shot. If it came from med grade it should be fine, although if you wanted to get serious about growing, ordering from a seedbank is a must.
i have a lock to my closet.... but one little plant is gonna be so smelly? (the good way :D )
and what about diy filters? are they expensive? can i build them?
and i will order seeds from a seed bank as soon as i'll have the money, but first i want to grow those seeds...


Well-Known Member
Lets worry about getting the them growing before talking strong smells and carbon filters.


Well-Known Member
This is a horrible idea, for one if your living in your parents house then your subjecting them to possible legal repercussions because you want to grow a plant.

While I advocate growing, I do not advocate putting others at risk because of it. From one grower to another I'm asking you not to do this until your on your own.


Active Member
I'm sorry, I didn't see the third question earlier. Do not grow in your parent's house, they will smell it, and they will find it, lock or no lock.
ok so my plan is to keep them in my room until budding and then i will move them to a bomb shelter near my house...

when the plant is veg it smells?


Well-Known Member
ok so my plan is to keep them in my room until budding and then i will move them to a bomb shelter near my house...

when the plant is veg it smells?

Short answer is yes, longer answer is yea but not exactly like pot, but close enough to let someone know what your doing.

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
The seeds are fine, the grow-plan is poorly thought out. Since you are still at home, you would be much better off germinating them in the spring and doing a small outdoor grow next year. I realize that you have probably been looking at all the beautiful photos that indoor growers in this forum post and you are all excited about attempting to do it yourself so little could be said to dissuade you from this bad idea but I will make an attempt.
This will almost certainly put you, and your parents at serious risk for discovery and possible prosecution. Isolating yourself and your parents from your grow is paramount to security. A medical-grade cannabis strain is quite likely to emit mild or even strong odors even during the early stages of vegetation/development. Carbon scrubbers/filters and other equipment that is required to mitigate odor problems can be expensive and noisy (fans). Again, do a small guerilla grow in the spring or, ignore my advice and prepare yourself for a heap of trouble.


Active Member
Any good seeds will start smell around 3 weeks. I started mine from years old bagseed and now i have a nice little box grow. Yess the will smell. The smell is worse depending on the strain. Building a filter woulnt be hAld bad but you need to be able to exhaust the air outside of the house . Also you will need lights. Your probably going to be looking at atleast 10000 lumens just for your closet. You could do a micro grow at first as a learning experiance and work your way up from there. They can be more managable with smell, gotta ask yojrself too. Wht will your parentz do if they did catch you


Active Member
You got to also realiz that most ppl here growing seriously have decent jobs to supportthere hobby and there own place. Not with there parents. Think about a tuny grow box being vented with two fans. Also wht do your parents think about you cause if they cought you their whole attitude and respect towards you will gow down and cause a hostile living enviroment. I would not support your action. Grow atyour own risk