a few questions regarding fertilizers

country cowfreak

Well-Known Member
Hello folks,
I have a few questions that I have that I hope some fellow farmers can help with. The first question I have is regarding fertilizers. I know that fertilizers may be open to personal preferences, but what is the best grow/bloom solution to use? I am currently using pro-grow from Botanicare and it seems to be doing well. This is my first year trying hydroponics and so far I am getting great results, but if there is something I could do better to helpit would be appriciated. I will be posting some pics of my progress shortly.
The second question I have is regarding foliar misting. I have not misted the plants to date, would it be beneficial to do this, and if so should I add any nutes to the spray?
My last question is about sexing. Is there any way to tell if the plant is male or female before switching to 12/12? I am almost positive that I have all females, but if there is a way to identify before going to bloom would help me when I cut for clones. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
:-| + :joint: = :mrgreen: + :peace:


Active Member
As far as nuts go, there are a lot of different brands - probably personal preference for most people.

Your plants will show preflowers before the 12/12 - how quickly depends on the lighting - 24/7 takes a long time... I think most do 18/6. I do 24/7, and then go right to 12/12, and can usually tell who the males are within the first week to week and a half. all of the plants may look like females until you see the real preflowers - I thought I had all females my first time until i was two weeks into the 12/12.

country cowfreak

Well-Known Member
I am currently have the timer set for 18/6 and I suspect that I may have lucked out with females, but I'm not 100% sure. I am hoping that my one plant in particular is a lady because it is a foot and a half tall with a 3/4 inch thick stem. It looks amazing I just hope that it doesn't sprout balls and become a male. Thanks for responding!
:mrgreen: + :joint: