A few questions for first hydro system.


Finally have the money and have done enough research to get started. Just a few questions.

I plan on using a flood and drain system with a 2x2 tray. I want to have two plants going at the same time. The video I want to build my system fromm used a 25 gallon bin for the reservoir. The guy in the video never said how much water he kept in the reservoir and what kind of pump he used. So how much water and how many Gallons per hour on the pump for a grow this size?

Also do I really need a 400 watt sodium light or would 250 watts be enough?

Thanks, I'd appreciate any advice I can get


Active Member
I recently did a diy flood & drain myself, check out my signature if ya like.

As far as water goes, I have a 32g tub I believe and only put about 15-20 gallons in it and my flood table is 36x24x8. Any aquarium pump with the correct gph will work, most hydro stores also sell cheap ones, like $15 or so, I use a 225gph pump on mine and works well, maybe a little too well. As far as the light goes, I would just do the 400w if you get the 250w you will end up upgrading anyways just for the additional lumens.

Good luck, if I helped any +rep would be appreciated!


Yeah I saw a pump that can switch between 200-300 gph, so I guess I'll go with that for now. I suppose it doesnt matter as long as the overflow drain can handle it, but from what Ive read, a pump used for the wrong size tank wil die quickly


Well-Known Member
Yeah I saw a pump that can switch between 200-300 gph, so I guess I'll go with that for now. I suppose it doesnt matter as long as the overflow drain can handle it, but from what Ive read, a pump used for the wrong size tank wil die quickly
Adjustable pumps are bullshit & should not be used imo,the adjustment is meerly a plastic peice that fits over the outlet end of the pump,by rotating the plastic knob water flows out of the outlet instead of up to the table,its a cheap ass solution at best,also those type pumps have much smaller filters than non adjustable types.

There are 2 things that cause pump failure with the 1st being a filthy pump,filter size matters as well as weekly cleaning,the 2nd issue is heat form running dry.

A pump that is too large will suck the rez dry leaving the pump to heat up in a small area of water,a pump that is sized properly to the table & timer should shut off just before its out of water at the latest.

Unless your using a digital timer you gotta remember analog timers power on in 15 minute cycles or longer.


^^^ I think with such a small table, and using stones, the 15-20 gallons of water in the reservoir will always be well over the pump line. I see a lot of pumps at 230 gph. That seems to be a standars for small systems. I was planning on using an analog timer, 15 minutes 3 times a day. Thanks for the advice